New Moderators Announcement

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Just wanted to let everyone know, we're adding four new Moderators to our staff here...

And the lucky kids are:

1- NickyCakes
2- Seocracy
3- XMCP123 (aka SlightlyShadySEO)
4- Swifty

They'll be added into the ranks tomorrow sometime, or whenever we get around to it (before 2009 hopefully, right?)

Congrats to them for staying extremely active here and helping the community grow. I don't doubt that they will all do great things by being staff members now.

But as a forum member, if you think a Moderator is abusing their job here, or a bit too trigger happy with the banning bombs, send me a PM. Its very rare for us to not side with our Mods, but its more common amongst NEW mods than anyone from the old guard.

Anyway, didn't mean to be a downer with that last bit, so high five to you guys and welcome aboard.

o no! Does this mean no more nut-raking posts about NickyCakes from ubernoobers? I weep.
Nice choice on XMCP and Seocracy! Those guys kick so much ass it's ridiculous.

IMO Nickycakes is a little too controversial and hostile but he probably reminds you of yourself a little :D
I'd like to publicly say that lordbrar should have his mod duties removed. guy is a joke.
Hey this was supposed to be a props thread...Let's not start any pissing matches please. :)
Ha, then he can join me.

Oh no..wait, I just annoyed Jon :D

Anyhow, great choice on Seocracy and XMPC.

nicky, I don't know.

The other guy... somehow the name does not ring a bell?

I, for one, welcome our new mod overlords.

Grats all you guys.
XMCP and cakes always dropping the knowledge around here.
seocracy, while i don't see him posting much anymore.. another great choice.
don't know anything about swifty, but i'm sure he'll be good.

I'm looking forward to cakes weeding out the newjack shitheads with a quickness ;x
300 posts and already cocky...

I am so proud of you... sniff...

Are you congratulating the new mods or stack paper for his "large dick"? :D
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