New Microsoft SE

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Mar 27, 2008
Bing search employs semantic technology intended to help it recognize not just key words but what is intended by phrases typed in as online queries, according to Microsoft.

Bing will replace MSN Live search, which has languished in a distant third place behind Google and Yahoo!

Forrester expects Yahoo! and Google to adapt their search services to follow Microsoft's lead, according to VanBoskirk.
Looks intriguing; if it does catch on will be interesting to see its effects on SEO and how non-semantic links will effect the rankings.

Or it may just bust! though if it does work the PPC market will become more profitable for Microsoft.


Have been testing some search terms in both G & Bing. At the moment, Bing is returning more relevant info in first 10 results. Plus I like their image search & drill down.
From a user standpoint, I am very impressed with Bing. I just jacked off for 2 hours because you can search for some of the most specific porn videos and tell it not to give you short ones... then you can mouse over and preview them no matter what site they come from just about. Besides that, the rest of the features look pretty good too... but "bing" is a stupid fucking name.
Yeah, I like Bing too. Yahoo should take notes: this is how you promote your search company. I like all the crossover stuff their doing on TV. Might be good for MSN AdCenter as well in the long run. MSN style Adsense, anyone?
Besides that, the rest of the features look pretty good too... but "bing" is a stupid fucking name.

It is a pretty stupid name... but now that I think about it, "Google" is a pretty damn stupid name, too. I mean, it's a misspelled word that has nothing to do with search, starts with "goo", and sounds vaguely like baby talk. It only seems like a reasonable name to us because we've been saying it every day for 10 years. And actually, calling something "Yahoo!" is pretty dumb, too. So who knows, maybe "Bing" will do just fine.
I just noticed Bing as a referrer for some traffic lately. I had no damn clue what the hell it was, but I'm getting some good results from it so far. We'll see how long it lasts.

This is the only Bing I'm really interested in...Carmella

I have an unrealistic hope that msn is going to hit it on this one. One thing we could absolutely use is some some less monopoly in the search space.
Also, "" is one of the most rememberable domain names I have heard ever.
From a user standpoint, I am very impressed with Bing. I just jacked off for 2 hours because you can search for some of the most specific porn videos and tell it not to give you short ones... then you can mouse over and preview them no matter what site they come from just about. Besides that, the rest of the features look pretty good too... but "bing" is a stupid fucking name.

Holy crap! It's great for porn.
Hello friends,

While possible for bing to give good results for search I no think it challenge serious to google.

It because google to popular. Instead of say search for it many just say google it. You no hear people say bing it or even yahoo it.

Good luck bros
from what I can tell bing's search results are at least on par with google for the most part...

image search rocks... I like it better than goog's or yahoo's...

video search is imho the most interesting thing about it... playing videos on mouseover is genius... me likey...

overall, I'm fairly impressed with the effort... and I'm not easily impressed by things microsoft releases...
Their video search is fucking nuts. Try browsing porn with it, it will change your life.
It is a pretty stupid name... but now that I think about it, "Google" is a pretty damn stupid name, too. I mean, it's a misspelled word that has nothing to do with search, starts with "goo", and sounds vaguely like baby talk. It only seems like a reasonable name to us because we've been saying it every day for 10 years. And actually, calling something "Yahoo!" is pretty dumb, too. So who knows, maybe "Bing" will do just fine.

it's not misspelled and has everything to do with search
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