New Location Keyword Builder Tool

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That's set up a lot better than mine (link in sig), that's for sure. But why does it only let you do it within 100 miles of certain zip codes? Why not all the cities/states? :|
That's set up a lot better than mine (link in sig), that's for sure. But why does it only let you do it within 100 miles of certain zip codes? Why not all the cities/states? :|

Probably a server usage issue. There are tens of thousands of city, state, zip combos but I'm sure you know that.

Maybe go look at my post here and you could figure out a way to integrate something into your script to make it work like that for the city, states and zips so you can specify which ones you want.

Honestly chat, I haven't used your script so I don't know how it works now. I use my excel method. I looked at the 5minute site a long time ago and also didn't like the limitation.
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