New kid on the bloc.

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New member
Dec 8, 2008
I found this amazing forum 2 days ago and I've been reading what seems to be really good info. I am new to the affiliate marketing scene and I feel like I don't know SHIT. I am determined to make this into a job since I like to spend hours and hours in front of my computer. I just want to live a decent life and not work for others who just use your lack of knowledge to make you into their slave. I fix computers for a store at the moment and I am getting paid ok considering I am posting this from work and my manager doesn't give a crap.

The thing is I think he will be selling the business at some point ( he wouldn't tell me ahead of time, so I don't trust him) and I might be out of a job. Regardless I have been meaning to quit for a long time now but I haven't found anything good enough for me. The economy sucks too, so I can't find any decent jobs. I am a picky guy unless I am starving. I could always get started fixin computers by myself but that means customer interaction, plus a lot of running around and some responsibility. And the worst of all, stupid old people calling u up constantly cuz u were the last guy who touched their computer which makes you automatically at fault w/e happens from that point on. I think I can avoid most of that if I stick with this.

Right now I am overwhelmed by so many schemes and I have little proof that they would actually work. Plus I feel naked not knowing how these things work in the big picture, and don't really know good affiliate programs.

I know of clickbank but that's an old one, is it still a good one? I don't know why any of you guys who actually turned out enough money to survive off of this stuff would even help me. Isn't that just more competition?

Is afiliate marketing sill as strong as it was 2-4 years ago? I used to work for a guy who had me send emails to websites about affiliate programs. At that point I was happy to find something for $10/hr and that could be done from home but the monkey business (repetitive) wore me out fast, I was getting tired of copying and pasting and scrounging emails. The guy was well off, had a nice house and a nice Mercedes so I guess it worked out for him. I really wish I spent more time with him and have him explain the big picture to me.

If there are those of you who make a shitload of money off of this, I suppose you're too smart to let another guy in on it. But can you just give me the big picture so at least I can get started on something? I feel that reading all this and doing nothing is like jacking off fantasizing about living free of bullshit and not actually living it.

I have a few specific questions like:
I heard a lot of DP on this forum. What is "DP"? Double penetration?
Specifially in the context of affiliate marketing, what is an e-book?
What kind of skills do I need for this?
And if you can give me just a one line advice what would it be?

I have a few specific questions like:
I heard a lot of DP on this forum. What is "DP"? Double penetration?

yes, yes, and yes.

But can you just give me the big picture so at least I can get started on something? I feel that reading all this and doing nothing is like jacking off fantasizing about living free of bullshit and not actually living it.

you pretty much answered your own question. You might get some help from people on here but mostly read and start trying different shit out. See what works and what doesnt
Clickbank is fine if you're into peddling bullshit. Just spend a few hours reading the sticky posts around here, you'll be well on your way.
lol.. dp means digitalpoint, suumtyms ,wen things go wrong, we call it double penetration , more info at . lol!
wow thanks man, lots of good info there, spread the love.

/end sarcasm

good thing i had my sound off. there were a few kids here and fortunately they weren't looking at my screen, and i was quick with task manager. i have a sick sense of humour so i am not mad.
wow thanks man, lots of good info there, spread the love.

/end sarcasm

good thing i had my sound off. there were a few kids here and fortunately they weren't looking at my screen, and i was quick with task manager. i have a sick sense of humour so i am not mad.

You'll fit in just fine then..

Just quit the brown nosing so we can start hazing you already. Get through that phase and you can stick it out anywhere.

Oh yeah, and wrong section Fuck-o. Moved.
Stop being a dumb ass and start learning already. Hazing is normal. Deal with it.
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