New freecreditreport ripoff spots on TV for degree program?

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New member
Apr 20, 2009
So I'm watching TV and I see two ads, played closely together, for these URLs:

Both ads had a style jingle and one clearly targeted guys, the other targeting girls.

Both go to the same low quality landing page and the different URLs were obviously to split test the ads. These are part of the Education Connection network.

Anybody else see them? I found it kinda sad but its always interesting to see affiliates try to break into mainstream media buys. I wonder how much they paid for the production and air time.

If anybody else here has experience with buying tv time for affiliate marketing, please by all means share your general thoughts. Did it work? Did you waste a ton of money? General range of costs?

I'm sure I won't get much from here on those questions, but either way I wanted to share these hilarious ripoffs. They need to buy a new landing page template ASAP.

I've seen those Education Connection ads on TV for weeks now. If you see TV ads run for more than a week, you know they're working.
The landing pages aren't that bad - my eyes immediately go to the "Match Me Now" button, which is a call to action. People are already responding since they found the TV commercial interesting (I haven't seen it), so it's probably working well for them.

I am considering running TV ads through Google as a test, but still figuring out which of my campaigns to promote...
That education connection theme song has been stuck in my head.... educationnnnn connnectionnnn
I think you deserve to be banned for this. No outing LPs - clearly you never read the rules.
if you do any kind of affiliate marketing, it's easy to find out where to buy tv spots. i also agree it's outing LPs.
I think you deserve to be banned for this. No outing LPs - clearly you never read the rules.

Of course I've read the rules. This however would be the equivalent of outing because just by mentioning and discussing the jingle from a tv spot that is running on national television you are outing them.

That is fucking retarded.

Newsflash, if they are running ads on national TV, they already outed themselves and they are public enough where it doesn't fucking matter.
I've seen those Education Connection ads on TV for weeks now. If you see TV ads run for more than a week, you know they're working.

Actually...I'm not so sure of this. I've spent a few years working at ad agencies and I know that in order to get decent rates, you need to make a substantial media buy, which could very well run for more than a couple weeks...

Plus, tv time has been getting much cheaper with all the web tv stuff thats been going on. Hulu has been killing broadcast spot rates.
why should someone get banned for outing a commercial they saw on national Google or Adsonar but not on national ABC?
i also vote for ban. That was my fucken ad maybe.
Both domains are owned by Kaplan, Inc., the same company that runs the test preparation services & the company that owns Education Connection.

That's the equivalent of outing a commercial for the official Snuggie website after seeing a commercial for the Snuggie, or after watching a Home Depot commercial. It's not being run by an affiliate or partner. I call fair game.
Both domains are owned by Kaplan, Inc., the same company that runs the test preparation services & the company that owns Education Connection.

That's the equivalent of outing a commercial for the official Snuggie website after seeing a commercial for the Snuggie, or after watching a Home Depot commercial. It's not being run by an affiliate or partner. I call fair game.

End of discussion.
Both domains are owned by Kaplan, Inc., the same company that runs the test preparation services & the company that owns Education Connection.

That's the equivalent of outing a commercial for the official Snuggie website after seeing a commercial for the Snuggie, or after watching a Home Depot commercial. It's not being run by an affiliate or partner. I call fair game.

Thanks for bringing some sanity to this discussion.
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