New Facebook Timeline Forces You To Share More Info?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
So I just commented on a Facebook page, but I don't want all my friends to see what I wrote. Before Facebook timeline I could easily remove this story from my Profile and it would no longer appear in my friends newsfeeds. Now, however, when I click "Activity Log" my only option is to delete the actual comment (I can't unshare the action). Is there a way to unshare such an action and I can't find it, or is Facebook actually forcing us to share shit like this (in which case I'm going to delete my FB account because this is the last straw for me).

On another note, if Facebook is in fact forcing users to share which pages they like / comment on (with no exception), the value of Facebook pages has just increased!
ITT: OP posted on an IM friends wall something he doesn't want his real life friends to see.
ITT: OP posted on an IM friends wall something he doesn't want his real life friends to see.
Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes we don't want to let our offline friends know how we make money online / our interactions etc.

The solution - keep your existing profile for personal use & create another profile just for business.
It had nothing to do with IM - I made a negative comment related to the occupy movement, and don't want to offend a few of my friends that are part of the movement.
lol coughya um how bout the fuckin ADS!?!?!? FUCKING scrollable and on a blue back inatead of white wonder how that will affect conversion.

they need to stop fucking with shit it is confusing old people

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