New Alladvantage...?

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New member
Jun 27, 2006
AllAdvantage 2.0 - Get Pay To Surf The Net « John Chow dot Com

What do you think about this? I signed up with John Chow's code. Do you think people can market this program to make people sign up?

I registered just for the hell of it.


Interesting that it is open now. I read about it on TechCrunch yesterday and the site wasn't active yet.

This will be interesting to see how they do this time around seeing how much things have changed (the ad explosion).
I have been working with this startup in my free time, some of you know that though.
Haha, I already stuck my referral link in my sig this morning... you're so behind the times man! :)
Has the SEC approved this? there seem to be legal remifications not yet answered. What if the stock is valued at 1 cent a share? That would suck.
Saw that article on TechCrunch also:

Web 1.0 Undead Rise:AGLOCO

"We don’t always slam a company just for taking a new spin on an idea that didn’t fly in the bubble. But if the founders of the new company were part of the old company, and the business model looks a lot like a pyramid scheme, and they are saying publicly that the only reason it didn’t work the first time around was because the market crashed at the wrong time, we’re going to take a very hard look. AGLOCO is all of those things, but it may be a good idea anyway."
I remember an old 2600 article on "Taking Advantage of AllAdvantage"
it was a simple vb script to automate everything and still get paid
look up the definition of a pyramid scheme... it isn't one. MLM, yes, but not pyramid scheme.
Damn, AllAdvantage! Now there's a reminder back to the heady days of 2000 when I thought the only way to make money online was to sign-up to all the pay-per-read email sites and the paid to surf sites too. Oh yeah, and gaming

Older and slightly wiser now. :)
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