New Affiliate Marketer


New member
Jul 19, 2011

My name is Steve and I just joined Wicked Fire.

I have been doing internet marketing for about 2 years now (since I was 17) and have decided to take up affiliate marketing.

I have started many different online ventures over the past few years including self help products, antivirus software, and my latest which was an advertising agency. I always run into the problem of not having enough money to expand or grow my businesses.

I am going to start affiliate marketing to hopefully make enough money that I can personally fund my ventures.

I am going to be actively contributing to WF and hopefully meet some like minded people.

I am going to give my affiliate marketing plan and am hoping that you guys could share a little of your expertise to help me go in the right direction.

I have already been accepted to Copeac and CPA way and am awaiting to be accepted to Clickbooth, Neverblue and Epic.

I plan on starting to promote dating sites, penny auctions, group buy sites and weight loss (even though weight loss is going to be a tough one).

I am going to be making my own custom landing pages and promoting them using PPV (I own a PPV network so I can get cheap, target traffic).

I am a very clever marketer and have proficient knowledge in many aspects of Internet Marketing.

Could you guys please give some advice as to what offers convert well, what to look for in an affiliate network, best traffic sources (Other then SEO), and other general tips that could help me along.

Thanks and I look forward to meeting all of you,



I am new here as well, perhaps we can help each other. My name is Trevor


My name is Steve and I just joined Wicked Fire.

I have been doing internet marketing for about 2 years now (since I was 17) and have decided to take up affiliate marketing.

I have started many different online ventures over the past few years including self help products, antivirus software, and my latest which was an advertising agency. I always run into the problem of not having enough money to expand or grow my businesses.

I am going to start affiliate marketing to hopefully make enough money that I can personally fund my ventures.

I am going to be actively contributing to WF and hopefully meet some like minded people.

I am going to give my affiliate marketing plan and am hoping that you guys could share a little of your expertise to help me go in the right direction.

I have already been accepted to Copeac and CPA way and am awaiting to be accepted to Clickbooth, Neverblue and Epic.

I plan on starting to promote dating sites, penny auctions, group buy sites and weight loss (even though weight loss is going to be a tough one).

I am going to be making my own custom landing pages and promoting them using PPV (I own a PPV network so I can get cheap, target traffic).

I am a very clever marketer and have proficient knowledge in many aspects of Internet Marketing.

Could you guys please give some advice as to what offers convert well, what to look for in an affiliate network, best traffic sources (Other then SEO), and other general tips that could help me along.

Thanks and I look forward to meeting all of you,

Damn it...I got taken again...and I couldn't close my screen...I'm not gay for trying to network with another a newbie too...
Good evening Steven,

I like the way you talk. We should become best pals. Please post all your contact details (name, email, address and aim) here so we can start a correspondence. I'm sure we will get along just swimmingly. Also, if you wouldn't mind posting a picture of yourself, that would be great. I would like to have an idea who I'm sharing all my secrets with before we continue.

If you have a girlfriend, you should post her picture too so I can judge your taste in women. Also, post your parents telephone number so I can interview them and get an idea of what kind of person you are. I know this may seem like a lot to ask, but please trust that this is absolutely necessary. Let us become successful affiliate marketers together. Just you and I on a path to riches. Please tell me, is that something you might be interested in?


Johnathan B. Goodman
Good evening Steven,

I like the way you talk. We should become best pals. Please post all your contact details (name, email, address and aim) here so we can start a correspondence. I'm sure we will get along just swimmingly. Also, if you wouldn't mind posting a picture of yourself, that would be great. I would like to have an idea who I'm sharing all my secrets with before we continue.

If you have a girlfriend, you should post her picture too so I can judge your taste in women. Also, post your parents telephone number so I can interview them and get an idea of what kind of person you are. I know this may seem like a lot to ask, but please trust that this is absolutely necessary. Let us become successful affiliate marketers together. Just you and I on a path to riches. Please tell me, is that something you might be interested in?


Johnathan B. Goodman

Did you spend the $6.00 you have made online all in the same place?

My name is Steve and I'm a slightly post-adolescent twink.

Thanks and I look forward to sucking all of you off,



EDIT: BAAAAAHHHHH I can't believe I wasted my 1000th on these FUCKIN N00BS! Slam, Slam, Slam, Slam (head hitting desk).

Tits to follow shortly for the magic 1001. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

EDIT: BAAAAAHHHHH I can't believe I wasted my 1000th on these FUCKIN N00BS! Slam, Slam, Slam, Slam (head hitting desk).

Tits to follow shortly for the magic 1001. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Your the type of person that I spit at when I walk by them on the street.
I have noticed that it was a mistake wasting my valuable time posting in this forum.

Everyone here seems to spend more time jerking off then making money.

I tried to do a nice introduction to maybe get some good advice (when really I don't need it).

In reality, I am not here to make friends, I am here to make money.

The majority of people here are obvious losers that slave from 9-5 and think that posting their jokes and thoughts in this forum are going to make them rich one day.

They should have a forum for people that actually make money online (like myself) and losers that post in IM forums in between jerk off sessions (most of you).

I feel like a loser myself for even typing this right now.

Yes, I am only 19 years old, but I can guarantee you that I have made more money in the last two years then you have made in your life.

I see all the shitty products you guys promote in your signatures and just laugh. The majority of people on here are a joke and will never, ever make more then a thousand dollars online.

On your darkest nights, the nights when you are staying awake at night wondering how your going to pay your bills, know that there are people like myself that are living your dreams.

