New Adwords "Enhanced Campaigns" WTF Google...


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Many of you have likely noticed the new enhanced campaigns that were introduced today. There are some cool things that come with this update, such as the ability to add sitelinks at the ad group level, BUT...

Come June, they are taking away your ability to bid completely separately between mobile and desktop traffic, or turn off Desktop entirely. Mobile is the future, and Google is taking away your ability to have a mobile only campaign. What the fuck bros...

They are also taking away your ability to target wifi only, by OS, by specific device, etc...

Here are some scenarios you can no longer target:

You have an app (or service) that only works on Android. You can no longer target the platform that the app works on.

You have a 1+ gig game download. Because of this, you only want to target users on wifi. Now you're stuck targeting people who aren't on wifi that will take hours/days to complete your download.

Your ads are device targeted to increase CTR, such as "optimized for Android". You can no longer get the CTR boost.

Even if you're not using these features, surely you can all see why you might want to do this kind of targeting in the future.
This is fucking dumb, and it really fucked my day up.

What is going to be next, taking away time of day or day of week?
This is fucking dumb, and it really fucked my day up.

What is going to be next, taking away time of day or day of week?

Call them, daily. Post on the Adwords forum, daily. Plenty of advertisers are stuck in the past and don't realize how important these features are for their future.

I intend on making it a daily task of my PA to nag Google into realizing how pissed off this makes me, and make them realize I'll be turning off my campaigns in June if they don't wake the fuck up.
On a positive note, Display Campaign Optimizer (DCO) has been giving me some pretty good conversions. Plus in the referrer I can see which sites the traffic is coming from :)
I am not seeing this across any accounts yet and am not looking forward to it.
I am not seeing this across any accounts yet and am not looking forward to it.

You should see this at the top of every campaign page. They don't give you the option to dismiss it, so you're stuck being taunted until June..


When activated, it'll give you this where you can only adjust mobile bids by percentage. It does not give you the option to change desktop traffic, or drop it to -100%.



You're also losing the option to target tablets. I'm sure that affects some people here too.
Thanks for the screenshots. I do not see it yet in any accounts I have access too but its coming. Well at least this preview will allow me to minimize some anxiety. Looks like it completely sucks and is a money grab if I have to include mobile devices in every campaign? Crazy.
Thanks for the screenshots. I do not see it yet in any accounts I have access too but its coming. Well at least this preview will allow me to minimize some anxiety. Looks like it completely sucks and is a money grab if I have to include mobile devices in every campaign? Crazy.

You can disable mobile (set it to -100%) but you can't bid separately (only by percentage of the desktop bid). You are forced to accept tablet traffic though.
Just like the ad rotation change, I bet we'll be able to opt out of this- especially since it's far more significant than the ad rotation setting.
They are also removing the option to put phone number in the ad text you have to use the ad extension now. Used to get a lot of "free" leads this way. People would call and not click.
We've had so man y issues with Google it ain't even funny anymore. Up to a point they closed our account, even though their lawyer and marketing director agreed with us.

"Sorry, we work for Google though".

Nothing surprises me anymore with them. If i could wish anything, i'd wish Bing to be as big as Google and Google as small as Bing;-)