New - 3 Scrapebox Auto Approve Lists 10-12 -Edu, Blog Engine +More - Special Price!

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Feb 16, 2010
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3 more new Scrapebox Auto Approve lists #10, 11, and 12 up for grabs.

Cutting to the chase:

List 10 - Mostly WordPress, Moveable Type, and B2Evolution. - 204,000 urls from 4,200 domains.

List 11 - Blog Engine - 7,400 urls from 474 domains.

List 12 - .Edu - 638 urls from 10 domains.

This is 3 separate lists, you can buy them individually or you can buy them as a package for a special price - See below.

Of course these are unique from the last Auto Approve lists that I sold. None of the domains or urls in these lists were sold in my prior lists, and none of the domains or urls from my last lists are in these lists.

These domains work with Fast Poster in scrapebox and are derived from the following blog platforms:

Moveable Type

All of these work in Scrapebox, however this list could be used with any blog commenter that will comment to those platforms.

This list is actual urls and domains that are auto approve comments.

List is available for instant download after payment. Payment is via paypal.

Note: There is a readme file regarding optimal connection settings for these lists, make sure you read it for best results.

Max Copies Sold:

List 10 (Wordpress ,Moveable Type, B2Evolution) - Global Copies sold 48

List 11 (Blog Engine) - Global Copies sold 48

List 12 (Edu) - Global Copies sold 48
(max copies sold are aside from any free reviews on forums).

These lists are also being sold eslwhere so the max copies will take that into account and its global copies between all places that will be sold. Not copies per each place. Also the Global copies includes the Package below.


You can buy all 3 of these lists as a package and get a special discount price.


List 10 (Wordpress ,Moveable Type, B2Evolution) - Normally $50, but for you as a WickedFire member its only $40.

List 11 (Blog Engine) - Normally $30, but for you as a WickedFire member its only $20.

List 12 (Edu and Gov) - Normally $35, but for you as a WickedFire member its only $20.

Package deal for all 3 lists - Normally $115, but for you as a WickedFire member its only $70.

Just enter Discount Code: WickedFire on the purchase page.

Payment Via PayPal
If you are a prior buyer, check your email for a different email from me with a special price for my loyal customers. Then unsubscribe from this email, because you will always receive a special loyal customer email from me.

Buy now and Download Immediately:

List 10 (Wordpress ,Moveable Type, B2Evolution) - Auto Approve List 11 | Scrapebox Lists For Sale

List 11 (Blog Engine) - Auto Approve List 11 | Scrapebox Lists For Sale

List 12 (Edu and Gov) - Auto Approve List 12 | Scrapebox Lists For Sale

Package deal for all 3 lists - Auto Approve List 10, 11 and 12 Pak | Scrapebox Lists For Sale

You will be redirected to a download link and the link will be emailed to you.

Use Discount Code: WickedFire

Important Note: If after you purchase, you get redirected to a page that says that the payment processor has not yet notified us of your payment. It just means paypal and the payment service I use (e-junkie) are out of sync for a few seconds. Check your email you used to pay and the link will be in your email.

This has already went out to my early bird lists and prior buyers, grab you copy before its gone!

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Reactions: Jerahmeel

I have some review copies that have been given out yes. They just haven't gotten the reviews all wrapped up yet.

14 Copies sold so far.
I got a review copy, with the wordpress list I got about a 50% stick rate out of the successful posts. About 3000 success and 300 failed.

On the BE list I got about a 75% stick rate out of the successful posts.

I was using pretty aggressive settings, if you repost to the failed/link check the 'failed' urls, use a high timeout etc you will do even better than me.
This was a solid list for me, using private proxies and 20 connections and retrying the failed.

I have been a customer of Matts for a little bit and his list are always rock solid and full of "teh good stuff"
I have posted to the blog engine list.

no spam protection
all open
20 connections fast poster
35 second time out
and randomized the 7418 urls.

Found 5078 links

I am half way through running a randomized list of 50k of the other platforms,
I got a free review of loopline's list yesterday. I apologize for the delay, as I was on a plane for 8 hours, and was writing bulk articles as soon as I got home :(.

Well, the list is freaking amazing anywho! 0 spam-protection! That's pretty amazing for this list! PR of the links was great :D. Everything was as promised. All AA and with 12 private proxies I got a 92% success rate.

Good luck with your sales loopline; Another masterpiece!

Add more edus and govs and this would be my main list for link building.

10/10 List.
List 10 (Wordpress ,Moveable Type, B2Evolution)

I took the 204k+ urls randomized the list then split it into lists of 50k.

I wanted to test my settings so I did two instances of scrapebox with the same private proxy list for posting and a different but identical list of a about a 1000 proxies for link checking. Two different list of 50k urls.

the first instance settings,

fast poster 27 connections
link checker 93 connections

50,000 list
34496 success
18651 found links

the second instance,

fast poster 48 connections
link checker 204 connections

50,000 list
33479 success
21434 found links

something is wacked somewhere. It has been my experience that looplines wordpress auto approve list I get half the list back as found links. I wonder if the list being posted to was to large.

oh well it's always something, anyone have any thoughts?
No thats my fault. I tried out some different filters this time around. Needless to say they didn't work out as ideal. So the list is being redone at the moment. Same domains, but better filters. Also for the trouble I am going to add some new domains. I will send out free updates to anyone who has already purchased once it is done. (couple days probably, Christmas is setting me back lol )

I was going to post my review but my vps is currently undergoing some problems. I was going to post screenshots of my results but I can't do so without my vps. Hopefully I can get it running soon.

Also, matt is in the process of adding more edu blogs to his List 12 as stated above. :)

That's all for now and the next time I post will be my review.

Okay, I randomly grabbed 40k links from List 10 and splitted it into two files.

I used 25 threads with a timeout of 45 seconds:

List 10 (Wordpress ,Moveable Type, B2Evolution) - 1st Split List (20k Unique Urls):



List 10 (Wordpress ,Moveable Type, B2Evolution) - 2nd Split List (20k Unique Urls):



List 11 (Blog Engine):



List 12 (Edu and Gov)

I performed two tests with this list. One with private proxies and the other with public elite proxies.

Private Proxies:



Public elite proxies:



Overall, a decent list by loopline. The one list that I'm really impressed with is his BE Blogs (List 11). :)
Matt has already stated that he will add more blogs to his current list so stay tuned for that.

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