Neverblue Raping

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New member
Nov 7, 2007
Don't know if I am jumping the gun here, but Neverblue just retroactively raped all eharmony australia affiliates by cutting the payout in half and doing it retroactively! Either that or it's a glitch, which I hope it is. Of course it happens right at 5pm pacific when you can reach anyone. Offer went from $8 to $4 making it totally unprofitable on G. The best part, no warning and I look at stats before today, and all the money is cut in half. Anyone else?

And you know about this how? I have yet to be notified by anyone over there.

Oh, I thought you meant they just didn't give you a warning in advance. But no warning at all, that's not on. I was running it on CX and recently got an email from my AM about it.
just happened to me as well but to be fair, I was being paid $8.25 when I thought I was going to be paid $4.25. Now they switched it back and cut my earnings. However the offer was $8.25 for female leads and I know some were female.

I used to get messages from them when changes happen to an offer. They should be closing the offer with a warning and recreate a new offer but instead they are editing the payout and details of existing offers. Not pleased by this but sort of understand since it's more on eHarmony however NB should have handled it better.
They sent an email out to every affiliate announcing the changes.

Apparently the pay increase was accidentally set for females and males, when it was only intended for females.

Obviously this was an error and if you were banking off it you've got to know that there was a large chance your earnings were going to be yanked.

Honestly, if you lost more than x,xxx then call Neverblue and talk to someone about it. But if you're some wanker that lost $100, then don't bother.
ok i just talked to my manager and heres what their gonna do.
For all leads converted before today, they will give the $8.25 rate. But for the remaining of month the rates will be whatever that was in semptember which should be 4.50 or something.
If theres anymore problems u guys can contact your manager. People who's with Craig should got a email couple days ago regarding the issue, cuz i got it and he said he sent it to all of his affiliates.

" eHarmony screwed up and didn’t get the different payout tracking live with the new eharmony payouts for UK and Australia and where planning on updating the payouts on a manual upload daily but that is unacceptable. Payouts are being defaulted back to Septembers Male and Female payouts for the month of October, the new payout changes will be effective November 1st.

Any leads you have generated thus far this October will be paid out at the previously posted rates and the extra revenue will be bonus to your account in the next couple days."
Jackeyy's right. For leads before today we'll honor the $8.25 that showed in stats (should have just been for female leads), but until eHarmony manages to get the dual tracking working correctly we'll be staying at the $4.25 payout for both male and female traffic.

If you notice a problem with the stats for this, or any other offer, please contact your AM.

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