Neverblue need to know all my sites?

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New member
Mar 15, 2009
Why do i have to tell neverblue my sites?
If i want to generate links i have to choose a website from the ones i've entered in my account.. should i really be putting my sites in there? :ugone2far:

What is the normal practice? Just put one site there and choose it for all offers? :ugone2far:

no other networks seem to do this

Why do i have to tell neverblue my sites?
If i want to generate links i have to choose a website from the ones i've entered in my account.. should i really be putting my sites in there? :ugone2far:

What is the normal practice? Just put one site there and choose it for all offers? :ugone2far:

no other networks seem to do this

You don't have to tell them all your sites. You can also give the networks you are advertising on. For example: Google
Please insert you site and keywords you're going to advertise with. Please let us know your bids too. :)

I don't use neverblue but hear good things about them so that really doesn't sound right.
I had the same experience with them. I told them that I do PPC and they asked me to show them my landing pages. I didn't and they told me to spend my money somewhere alse :nopenope:
Sounds like they are suspicious of the pages you are using, as long as the traffic tracks with the single url for all offers I'd go that way to start. Build a relationship with your AM then ask what's it's all about.
I'd guess they have some problems with people being shady & want to protect themselves from not being paid. As far as them telling you to spend your money somewhere else, ?? Could you just tell them your landing page looks like this... Usually you can explain your setup well enough to get approved... Unless...
Just like CJ and traditional networks, the site "selection" is more of a reporting tool than anything, as you can split out reports by site ID as well as your standard ways.
When I signed up I showed them one LP (that I was soon to take down) and was accepted. Some of their offers require an application that gets vetted by the company's reps, and this can require showing them your LP for their product. It's all looked over 'in-house' by NB and does not leave their premises. I had a long chat with my AM there, and she just said that some reps want to maintain some *gasp* quality control over how their product gets marketed. That being said, I told her that I wanted to run an offer, but hadn't put up my LP yet, and she got my application approved. Michelle R is a cool girl. ;)
i just use old lps in the address bar and never had a problem with it - my am told me its just part of their old system and no 1 uses it... aka makes no diff.
newbie alert.. I now see you can just input traffic sources rather than your own sites.
All good :D
I believe the option is there for your own benefit to make tracking easier. If you're running the same offer on multiple sites, setting the aff links according to specific sites helps you see where the traffic is coming from, etc. I think it's a great feature.
The site is simply an identifier. You could put in and it wouldn't matter. We do this for a few reasons that benefit the affiliate: 1. Tracking if you want. 2. Less of an identifier than aff id in your links.

If you were asked for a lp during your application call it's probably because someone felt a little sketched out and wanted to get a little more info to verify you are who you are so they can approve you.

If you're feeling sketched for whatever PM me and I can help out.
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