Never Miss and IRS Payment


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Man I am seriously getting fucked over by the IRS this year. Seems a letter got lost in the mail when I moved and I never paid the IRS 11k in June of last year. My accountant did my taxes assuming I got it and paid it and all was fine. Until I got the letter from the IRS saying I owed them that 11k.

So no big it was theirs to begin with. I go though all the hoops to pay them and get the fines removed since it was a honest mistake. The amount was paid and that should have been it. Nope. Seems they have a major 'fuck with them' list and I am on it now. I have gotten at least 15 letters from the IRS since this incident.

Some say I owe some random number from some other document. Some say I still owe fines that were removed. Today I even got a letter that says I owe fines on the fines that were removed. The thing is that I paid them! I have the records and receipts that say I paid and we were done. I can't believe this shit that every week I get 2 more letters that force me to call them and have some random amount cleared. What a fucking scam.

More of the story is make sure your taxes are flawless, any mistake and they tag you as a target and will fuck with you to no end. Ive had 3 months of IRS hell and its still not stopping. Ugh.

I pray every night to Vishnu that I never piss the IRS off, and that I never come up on their "random" audit selections.
Yeah, got a letter saying I owe $1200+ more than what I paid for this year and they hardly gave much detail. Tax lady looked into it, then I got another one with a late fee notice, told her, she said she thought it was resolved. Still waiting to see wtf is up.
Man I am seriously getting fucked over by the IRS this year. Seems a letter got lost in the mail when I moved and I never paid the IRS 11k in June of last year. My accountant did my taxes assuming I got it and paid it and all was fine. Until I got the letter from the IRS saying I owed them that 11k.

i had the exact same thing just happen to me. But i send everything certified mail, so i have proof that i sent it. But they are still trying to charge me penalties on it.
I have a good accountant so somefully they can fix it, but it pisses me off that they will still try and get penalties, when i did pay it on time.
Type "IRS IS" into Google and look at the suggested searches, and you'll find what I and everyone else thinks of them.
I, like most people, don't like the idea of paying taxes, but I do it anyway. I do wish they would get their act together and make it a lot more user friendly, in terms of just giving us a quick "here you owe us X amount for this this and that, and pay here by this date". Would make life and the process so much simpler and I'll bet they'd collect a hell of a lot more money, and maybe we can also assume it would be a hell of a lot more accurate too?

The government really should treat it more like a B2C corporation rather than just another BIG government shadow force that scares the fuck out of everyone and makes them want to avoid the process altogether. IRS needs transparency too. But I'm probably getting way ahead of myself now, so I'll stop here with my wishful thinking.

If you get into shit with the IRS, don't go at it alone. Get yourself a solid tax attorney, and accountant, and work with them, not against them. Its your best bet to settle or clear up the issue. Some people try to sue them, very few have won. Its actually not as scary as people think, but it definitely should not be taken lightly.
That is one payment you can't miss. In 2005, I forgot to claim a Rolex that a car warranty gave me plus a trip and I was nailed for $3,400. I was 21 then and stupid about taxes, so I just paid it. But man, they hound you non-stop and the power they have is ridiculous.
Spent 2hrs on the phone with them today and got things sorted out again. The guy told me that I should not be contacted again and all matters are cleared up. We will see about that.

And just so everyone knows, interest will never been forgiven or removed. After I paid them the 10.5k and had the fines removed they didn't tell me to add the interest to my payment she said just pay the amount. Amount was paid, flash forward 2 months and I get a letter threating leans on my property because I did not pay the interest from that notice and its now got fines and interest. Not to mention the guy said they made a mistake and that amount on the letter was not what I owed by $300 and just to pay them $74 since they made a mistake. They also placed a 2009 payment under 2010 so I got a letter on a payment I had already made. I am sure it was a honest mistake.

So $74.14 and I shouldn't hear back from these fucks until next year.
I remember long ago I sent the IRS a check for 4xxx something and they deposited it as 9xxx something because I write type writer 4's that look a little like nines. When it hit my account it was a nasty little surprise for me but luckily no overdraft or anything.

Lucky for me I never even had to contact the IRS about it. Just got my bank to look at the check and the money was back in my account.

I make sure to write all amounts on checks much neater now. Specially the first digit.
irs letters really scare the shit out of me, even though i pay everything. They don't fuck around about getting their money.

As another poster stated, go to their Taxpayer Advocate Service. You can reach them at 1-877-777-4778. Although they are part of the system, it's their job to help you get through whatever shit they are trying to shove down your throat.
I, like most people, don't like the idea of paying taxes, but I do it anyway. I do wish they would get their act together and make it a lot more user friendly, in terms of just giving us a quick "here you owe us X amount for this this and that, and pay here by this date". Would make life and the process so much simpler and I'll bet they'd collect a hell of a lot more money, and maybe we can also assume it would be a hell of a lot more accurate too?

Not to mention it would save the IRS money, time, and effort dealing with people confused with the notices. Last year someone sent a tax payment into the IRS that was missing an EIN, and apparently had the same name or similar name to my business, so the IRS applied the payment to my PASS THROUGH entity, and sent me a letter demanding late fees... I told them I'd be happy enough if they refunded that other party's payment back to me, but I still can't figure out how they applied a tax payment to a pass through partnership that didn't owe taxes, and then demand a late payment fee...