Networking Help: Setting up a remote access point by setting up a VPN within a VPS


Own the Internet
Aug 6, 2010
Hello everyone,

I'm at my wits end here, I have been working on this problem for weeks and it is getting a bit frustrating. I think that there have got to be others out there who are trying to do the same thing. Essentially, here is the situation:

I have several seller accounts on ebay. These accounts are in my name and also the names of friends. I like to have several accounts running as it diversifies things. To keep the IPs separate, when I want to work on my own ebay account, I simply login to ebay here at home. When I want to work on my friends' ebay accounts, I have to drive to a library or a coffeeshop and login there to work (they have a different, constant IP than what I have at home). What I want to do is end this nonsense, and set up a remote access point with a dedicated IP address so that no matter where I am in the world, I can always go through that remote access and access ebay with a constant IP, so that it will always look like I am signing in from the same location.

In order to do this, I found a nice little tutorial in the first post which can be viewed here:

How to setup your own VPN Server - eBay Suspension & Paypal Limited Forums

Essentially, it is saying to rent a VPS, and then set up a VPN within that VPS. From there, the VPN will apparently maintain the same IP and it is a unique IP address so it should be safe to use.

I followed all the instructions in that post, but am stuck on the final step #5. I have already rented a VPS and set up a VPN, etc, but I don't understand how to physically begin "using" that IP. How do I actually begin the process of "browsing" the Internet through my newly-setup VPN? I feel like I am very close to accomplishing this goal, any help there would be greatly appreciated!

Supposing you have a VPN server running on the VPS, the next step is to install a VPN client on your client PC.

Windows 7 comes with a VPN client. See this link for a rundown on setting it up.

If you don't have Win7, you'll need to find VPN client software.
rish3 - Thank you, that link was the missing step, I successfully logged on and was able to browse through my VPN.

I have a few final questions about the safety of browsing through this VPN, if you or anyone else can provide some information. In order to be connected, it seems like I have to have all of my anti-virus software disabled, is this common? Would my VPS provider have any sort of built-in virus protection? I guess what I'm asking is: are there any major security issues about this method that you think I may be overlooking and should double-check are in place?

Aside from the security question, the last confirmation I would like to make is that my browsing will be completely disconnected from my own home location. I do not want ebay to be able to tell in any form that when I am browsing their website, it is connected at all to my own home location that I am actually sitting at. If there are any additional "masking" methods I need to put in place at all, either on my own computer or on my VPN, please let me know. Okay, thanks!
Not sure why you are being asked to drop your antivirus unless it is auto blocking the VPN connection. What makes you think you have to frop it, are you getting error messages? Unlikely that your VPS would have any antivirus running itself but you can check with your host.

When you VPN through you should are now effectively reaching the internet unshielded from the VPS. You IP address as far as the outside world is now the IP address of the VPS.

Your PC ---VPN--->VPS-------->Internet

For peace of mine check your ip address before and after logging in to the VPS, you can do this by going to

At a bare minimum make sure you clear your cookies including flash cookies. I would recommed using a totally different browser to the one you normally use to log in at home and make sure you keep your home ebay login done on one and the "friend" ebay login on the other, no mixing, ever.