Netflicks tip


do u even auto,m8?
Jul 11, 2009
I've mentioned this many times to people, so to anyone who doesn't know:

If you live outside of America, but want American Netflix which has 39423984239423 more choice and means you can turn off your shitty cable with its shitty 1/3rd commercial times -

Just get any VPN service, choose any US IP, go to Netflix, presto.

I haven't had to suffer through commercials in months.

Edit: And the choice is very, very noticeable. They actually have the good documentaries on Ameriflix, unlike Canada which gets all the rejects.

Yeah, I know, but can you do it with Netflix over PS3?

What I'd do is get a router and install OpenWRT on it and then VPN via the router. You're whole house will now use the VPN by default, but you can set it up so only the IP of the PS3 will actually go out that interface.