Negotiating higher CPM percentages

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
I've heard many people say they've been able to negotiate better payment percentages with CPA and affiliate networks when they provide high volume.

Has anyone ever had any success negotiating better splits with the big CPM networks? If I'm sending buttloads of adviews through TribalFusion, Casale, or Valueclick do I have any chance at all at getting them to pay out a higher percentage of gross CPM?

Probably, but I'm not big enough to be able to do that yet :(

If you're that big where you can command a better rate, chances are that advertisers will want to advertise with you directly. If they do so through the ad networks, usually you get a better split I believe
As long as you have proved to the networks that you can send them volume, whether it's CPM, CPC or CPA/CPL you always have the upperhand. But if you're some new affiliate with nothing but promises, and fairly unheard of, they will just ignore or laugh at you.
Any tips on how to approach the "big 3" CPM networks about a bigger cut? I have a proven high-volume track record with each of them.
Do you have an account manager or something? If you have 3 that you use can you play them against each other? "Hi whoever, I'm thinking about cutting down my cpm campaign down to one network exclusively, I was wondering if there's anything you can offer me as the rate I'm getting now just is not cutting it..."

Dunno.. but in anything like this I think relationship helps, do you know your account managers and talk to them?
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