Negative SEO Question


This is going to hurt
Apr 14, 2012
I had a site bomb from page 1 to page 16. I suspect negative SEO and wanted a second opinion.

After my site dropped my immediate reaction was "on shit" and I started running the usual checks, webmaster tools, magestic, ahrefs.......copyscape......

Copyscape pulled up an 11 year old domain with 81% content matching my domain that was now ranking for my keywords.

Doing a whois showed me the domain was registered via a proxy company.
To add insult to injury a 3rd brand new domain also has my content, a 100% match for the aged domain. I suspect a 301 redirect in the near future.

The new domain returns a valid whois and the name servers for both domains are the I know who's, address phone number.

Am I jumping to the wrong conclusion here or did I just get taken out by someone using an aged authority domain to attribute my unique content to his domain triggering a duplicate content penalty against my site?

Am I jumping to the wrong conclusion here or did I just get taken out by someone using an aged authority domain to attribute my unique content to his domain triggering a duplicate content penalty against my site?

I don't know about duplicate content being the cause since you would of been the first to have the content found by G. Correct? It's something else, keep an eye and report back. Also it might help to know the URL like (o_O) pointed out.
oh that was you... my bad.

Actually this is a very simple scenario, Google knows which website had the content up first, since they have an archive. So all you have to do is send a DMCA notice for every single page (you can do bulk upload I believe), with dates of when your content went live. It takes about a week or so, and they will manually remove the offending site from the rankings.

I've done it plenty of times. I would also report the 2nd site as well. Now, if you can't convince Google that's your content, even though they have archives, etc, then yeah... you got owned.

Here is a direct link to the DMCA takedown notice submission form:

you have to have A WMT(Google webmaster tools) account.

Carry on...
CCarter - thanks for the advice, I'll take that approach next time though being paranoid I don't like Google poking its nose where it doesn't belong.

I went after the offenders hosting company and domain registrar claiming copyright infringement.
He lost his domains and shared hosting account (all suspended).

For anyone who's interested - I'm sure this place will have some uses.

As for my site, when the 11 year old domain was pulled down my clients site made a partial recovery. Page 16 to page 3. I've replaced the content with fresh unique / LSI goodness and I'm waiting to see what happens the next time Google's PANDA algorithm refreshes.
Previously i've MFA site that ranked #1 for its keyword. I mada averange around $80-$100/day from adsense. But, i got smashed and my ranked nowhere found in top 100. :-(


I harmonise with your conclusions and will thirstily look forward to your next updates. Just saying thanks will not just be enough, for the exceptional clarity in your writing. I will directly grab your rss feed to stay privy of any updates. Solid work and much success in your business endeavors!

P.S. On a serious note, are you just here to spam?
How I Hijacked Rand Fishkin's Blog | DEJAN SEO

Interesting post connected to my issue. Opens up not only some negative SEO possibilities but also brings the concept of link stealing into a whole new light.

CCarter or any enlightened member able to confirm the facts? Is this post is correct, G* not only devalues your post but assigns the value of your links to the 3rd party?????
Lots of questions. Recovery options are pretty straight forward. New domain or risk contacting Google............

What's more interesting is if that blog post is correct it raises some interesting questions. Leave aside the notion of screwing over a competitor for a minutes......Say I rank a site with high risk links e.g. blog networks - the usual BMR clones, over optimise the anchor text..ect ect....use techniques guaranteed to attract a -50 algorithmic penalty.

Then I use an aged domain + high PR domain to hijack my own new 0 PR site/post and steal the links......will Google slap a penalty on my high PR site.

Sounds like grounds for an interesting case study anyone?

That's the first time I've see it detailed like this. flaw3d maybe the best person to ask about this. Could be somewhat devastating to low ranking PR websites that are dominating their niche, and have very little guidance about SEO.

I do recall several months ago, one of my former business partners took a replica of my site, and launched it, and it started rankings. I used Google's DMCA takedown notice, and it was taken down, and never thought twice about it again. It wasn't outranking my pages, but it was still in the top 10 for several of my terms. Now I presume, if it had a higher PR, it would have overtaken me with these new findings.

I'm looking further into this.
oh that was you... my bad.

Actually this is a very simple scenario, Google knows which website had the content up first, since they have an archive. So all you have to do is send a DMCA notice for every single page (you can do bulk upload I believe), with dates of when your content went live. It takes about a week or so, and they will manually remove the offending site from the rankings.

I've done it plenty of times. I would also report the 2nd site as well. Now, if you can't convince Google that's your content, even though they have archives, etc, then yeah... you got owned.

Here is a direct link to the DMCA takedown notice submission form:

you have to have A WMT(Google webmaster tools) account.

Carry on...

DMCA the fuckers. They will be taken down within 48 hours.
Bookmark that link for future use. You will need it.
How I Hijacked Rand Fishkin's Blog | DEJAN SEO

Interesting post connected to my issue. Opens up not only some negative SEO possibilities but also brings the concept of link stealing into a whole new light.

CCarter or any enlightened member able to confirm the facts? Is this post is correct, G* not only devalues your post but assigns the value of your links to the 3rd party?????

After doing quite a bit of research on this, it seems this is correct and the case. Recall, I had a thread about Online Reputation Management. Well looking at the long term results, all of the Press Release's from various news organizations have been taken over by Even though all the press releases still exist on those news sites, and on PRweb, since it's the same content, and Yahoo News has a higher pagerank, Yahoo News has taken over all my SERP ranks, which looks fantastic from a client perspective, and when the competition looks us up, all they see is Yahoo News and PRweb as backlinks. Using this cloak, I can goto town on my backlinking strategy.

Nice find, looks like there is still some new spins on old techniques.
Thanks CCarter - just connecting the dots. Lots of ways this could be exploited.
Thinking back to your rep management post...if you can get an older more authoritative domain.....jack the offending post.

What's interesting even after:
I changed my content to make it unique.
Had the offending site pulled down.
2 Panda refreshes later since swapping out the stolen content.

My domain has not recovered....
Unless the damage is caused by another algorithmic filter, it appears my URL is tainted/the damage has stuck.

Time to swap it our for a fresh one...../sigh
You can also email the hosting companies of those sites which are using your content let them get aware that they are using duplicate content copying from my site, they would take some action as well.

If you really want your site working on google, then just avoid all types of software use.
can get tiny service from fiverr for some backlinks.. and also keep the landing page up to date with content / site subject related keywords.. a good title for your site ( meta title). and get visitor... noting more important.

your site will be kicked by google IF you use those software for huge backlinks..
just avoid them.
I do recall several months ago, one of my former business partners took a replica of my site, and launched it, and it started rankings. I used Google's DMCA takedown notice, and it was taken down, and never thought twice about it again.

Nice partner! :/ Want to hear some stories now!

And that post on hijacking is great! I actually had no idea about this.
How I Hijacked Rand Fishkin's Blog | DEJAN SEO

Interesting post connected to my issue. Opens up not only some negative SEO possibilities but also brings the concept of link stealing into a whole new light.

CCarter or any enlightened member able to confirm the facts? Is this post is correct, G* not only devalues your post but assigns the value of your links to the 3rd party?????

ive tried this shit few weeks back.

its patched now, move along.

to the OP, just somebody takign your conent on 1 site woulnt de-rank you currently. its just coincidence so seek problem elsewhere.
the article not only suggests that technique works, it also goes on to imply that the site stealing the content then benefits from your links.

If thats the case......

1. The site from where the content was stolen gets a duplicate content penalty.
2. The benefits of any links are attributed to the new site containing the stolen content.

I'm a part time SEO, so I dont have the resources to verify it work. IF...and this is a big IF......that information is correct then the loser gets a double whammy as appears to have happened with one of my sites.