Need to find a blogger who knows and loves MMA

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Extreme Ultra VIP
Aug 3, 2008
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I'd like to find someone who wants to write for a (relatively) established MMA news blog running on WordPress. I'll give you a login and you can write 2500 words per week on whatever MMA subject you feel like and upload a relevant pic for each article. These 2,500 words per week can be split over 3-7 articles. I don't mind if the article ideas are copied (and they kinda have to be, since it's news), but the content should be unique. Since it's a news site, most of the articles would be news that's happening in the MMA world and if it's a slow news day an editorial/opinion piece could be posted.

The posts need be high quality - perfect grammar, spelling, etc. Prefer someone who is passionate about MMA and has a lot of knowledge of the different happenings and fighters in not just UFC but also Strikeforce and DREAM.

I have a price in mind, PM me with your offers or post them here! We can all make fun of each other and have a gay old time.

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