Need Sugession


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Hello friends m new to this forum and want to start a busniess of ma own . So i need the help from the members of this forrm....

Thanks in advance..

I will help you webservices.... I heard there is a new service out called the World Wide Web, I think it's WWW for short not sure it's still a new thing. Anyway after you locate this World Wide Web (sidebar you may be able to get it at Wal-Mart i think it's 19.97 vs. 19.99 at Best Buy {side-sidebar sons of bitches always rollin back them prices}) go through the users guide as it will direct you on how to properly navigate this World Wide Web. Once you have done this re-read it to make sure you haven't missed anything, then and only then do you come back to and purchase every e-book you can find HERE and only HERE and you should be a bizzillionaire if you follow each one of my steps to the T.

Chances are you will get a lot of bullshit advice from a bunch of D-bags who don't know what they are talking about so you will have to remember to have tunnel vision and only adhere to what I have provided you...if you can manage to do this you WILL SUCCEED I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE the fuck out of that for damn sure.

Ah fuck it took to long for me to get this info out to you I called Wal-Mart and they said the World Wide Web has been discontinued and will no longer be available to ANYONE ever again meaning affiliate marketing is DEAD

Sorry yours dearest most sincerely truly yours,

Your A. Homo
webservices DONT'T PM me I don't like to move that fast with someone I just met.... but your questions would be better served in the thread instead of a PM does anyone have an e-book they could sell webservices lol
I need to start my own service which need not require initial investment :)
There are plenty of sites that you can use without an investment such as Weebly, Squidoo, Hubpages, LiveJournal, etc. All that you will need to do is stuff them with content and do the SEO.
There are plenty of sites that you can use without an investment such as Weebly, Squidoo, Hubpages, LiveJournal, etc. All that you will need to do is stuff them with content and do the SEO.

Actually i do want to start a new business here in this forum and offer to ma services to other members :)