Need Someone To setup Vmware/VirtualBox for my vps

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Jul 4, 2009
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I am in need of someone to setup Vmware/Virtualbox (either one) for my Centos VPS(it is virtualized by OpenVz). I will pay 20usd upon work completion.

I tried to setup vmware/virtualbox by myself, unfortunately, the openVz based Centos used a customized kernel which give me tons of trouble where i have no idea how to solve them. (as i am a newbie)

Please make sure you know what you are doing before sending me pm or replying this thread. If you are not able to setup either vmware/virtualbox properly, it will be considered as incomplete work. Thanks!

Why in the first place would you want to virtualize a virtual server anyway ?

In any case, if you wanted to achieve this you would probably need to get a Xen VPS, since OpenVZ doesn't virtualize hardware properly.
Yeah you're probably going to be hard-pressed to find anyone even willing to attempt installing a VPS inside of a VPS (especially with the host being OpenVZ like Amaresh said AND for only 20$.. this setup could take several hours to work out all the incompatibilities and THEN you have to hope it stays stable....). For one, you're going to need a substantial extra amount of cpu & ram just to cover the inefficiency of running another machine (I'm assuming your VPS isn't HUGE), plus the fact that for 20$ you could already have paid for at least one month of another VPS service and bypassed all the headaches involved with the (not so great) setup you're trying to have.

If you want to host a vps, get a real box to do it on. If you don't want to spend for the real server, get another vps and save yourself (and potentially someone else) a ton of headaches.

Also, why are you even in need of another operating system/server when you have a CentOS box already? Could this be bypassed by just securing limited access to a user on the CentOS box or do you need another operating system for something that can run solely on Windows for example?
Please make sure you know what you are doing before sending me pm or replying this thread.

Please make sure you know what you are talking about first lol. How do you expect anyone to help you when you can't even make sense or properly describe what yo uhave to work with?

I'm going to assume you have an OpenVZ VPS and want to be clever and setup a vmware VPS in that and if that works then try to be even more clever and setup windows in that? Well guess what? You can't.

Even if hell freezes over you won't be able to get that done because nobody can do the impossible.

Switch from an OpenVZ plan to a Xen plan and install windows in Xen if that's what your ultimate aim was.
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