Need some software/service suggestions


New member
Oct 21, 2009
I am trying to re-vamp an automotive business that belongs to a friend, and the invoice system he uses is shit.

I need something that is easy to use, and will basically allow a custom form to be filled out (name, phone, address, email, etc) by the kid that runs the front desk.

The place rents automotive bays by the hour to people that want to work on their own vehicles, if that helps give you an idea of what I need.

They already have a system in place, albeit shitty, that allows them to create simple invoices and log shit, but it is TERRIBLE to try and pull data from, which I need in order to track the marketing I am doing for them.

So, I am trying to streamline this shit.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Yeah, I love the design and functionality of their forms, which is what I'm looking for, but it doesn't do exactly what I need.

I would have to add a new 'client' and then create a new invoice for them from scratch, then save it, then print it, etc.

Think a form like the FB ones, but pre-made so you just hit something like 'New' and then fill out the fields, type in the amount of hours they were there and it does the match, add any extras and notes, and hit save, and it prints and saves.

Something like that.
Also, the reason Quickbooks can't get used here, is because this particular client is convinced that the Government has a back-door into the program and will try to get him for the taxes that he bluffs on a little bit.

*rolls eyes*
Fucking friends 'in need'....

Tell me to take off the damn tinfoil hat and use Quickbooks.
Quickbooks. If he's that freaked out just unplug the internet cable from the terminal and put a security system in to watch for black vans.
WTF? Surely the way that your friend "bluffs" taxes is same as any other cash handling business... cash goes straight in the back pocket. No receipt, otherwise the customer doesn't qualify for the special 'cash price'.

It doesn't matter if QB has a govt backdoor in or whatever... QB will never know about his non-declared sales.

You'd be an idiot to even put details of non-declared transactions into a piece of software (or write them down), because then there's an audit trail.
The guy isn't very bright in this sense... Paranoid uber-religious type, but I think I got him handled.

I literally had to tell him this afternoon that I could get a special copy of Quickbooks that was patched by software pirates so that the program couldn't access the internet whatsoever...

*rolls eyes*

Sometimes, FML...

But, the dude has helped me out a lot when in need, so I gotta do what I gotta do...

Quickbooks it is. I appreciate it guys.

Also, yeah, I'll need to show him how to add people into the system with a work order and file it as 'incomplete' when he collects cash, so there is no trail there, and it looks more like an estimate.