need some input on backend buiild out


New member
Mar 1, 2008
knowing what you know today and if you had to start all over again from scratch, how would you build out your backend pieces?

1. would you use a private dns?
2. would you place that private dns on a vps/dedi server?
3. would you put p202 on the same server or;
4. would you put p202 on the same host as aff sites you are pushing?
5. any feedback on using hostgator shared hosting for p202?

what other pieces would you put in to minimize competition snooping and increase security?

I know just enough to get myself into a shit hole and want to avoid that if at all possible.


Hostgator hosting is about as good as godaddy hosting...and they both suck. I would use something like MediaTemple if I were you (and you can afford it).
Also considering the private dns server anyone have input on this.