Need some help with a logo

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Symmetry Power

Aspiring Thousandaire
Apr 8, 2007
Washington State
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or information on where to find some software or information about logo making. I'm trying to make a logo for http://www.hoy-pare.commy site and I just can't figure that much out, mostly because I keep on changing the direction as this is my first site that I'm really working on, so the whole thing is basically an experiment. I also don't know if I should go with a word/image, word, or image only logo. If I can get some help I'd really appreciate it guys. I only need to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks.
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Experimentation is the key. Start off with a pencil and paper, sketch out some of your ideas. What message do you want to convey with your logo?

Check out the trends, see what others are doing. Here is one of many sites with identity galleries to inspire you: LogoPond - Identity Inspiration

Look at font sites, spend a few hours looking at what personality of font fits best with your layout. Again ask yourself what you are trying to convey.

Make at least 10 initial concepts (each completely different than the next). Circle the ones you like best, and push them further and into new directions.

Don't make all the judgements yourself, ask for peers to review your process. Don't just ask designers, ask anyone. What comes to mind when they see your logo?

This is a mini guide, but should be enough to get your started. Good luck, keep us updated and we can help you out along the way.
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Hey wow man thanks.. this is great! It's exactly some of the stuff I was looking to hear.. +rep man.. I'll start working on this.. the hardest part is trying to figure out what I want to convey. .but this will help a lot
yeah when you upgrade a lot of things become incompatible afterwards.. i'm using drupal 5.1 from the get-go.. yet some of the kick ass themes.. are all for 4.7.. and i dont get the code knowledge yet to make em work on 5.1.. at least you're using wordpress which got thousands of kickass themes.. drupal got like 100.. and most of them ooogly or dont work on 5.1 right
I sometimes use some software called The Logo Creator. I think it's pretty cool, it automates a lot of stuff that would be a huge pain in Fireworks or Photoshop.

I think I paid $30 or so for it. I've also seen it around the torrent sites, if you want to go the "cheaper" route.
Are you artistic? If not go to place like Digital Point set up a contest for $50 and spec out what you want done. In a a week you will have 6-10 logos to choose from, and you pay whomever you like best $50.00

If you are artistic, well then do it yourself, but that has always delivered sub-par results for myself.
Are you artistic? If not go to place like Digital Point set up a contest for $50 and spec out what you want done. In a a week you will have 6-10 logos to choose from, and you pay whomever you like best $50.00

If you are artistic, well then do it yourself, but that has always delivered sub-par results for myself.

Thats a good idea and cheap. I was going to say try and post a project but the best companies will want $120 - $200 for a logo.

Maybe not for now but if your site is making money - reinvest it into stuff like this.

I might try DP and see what the quality is from that.
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