Need some help pitching to customers directly.


New member
May 3, 2008
So I have a little service / consulting business on the side I do to make some extra money when I have the time. I don't have a website (dumb I know, working on putting together something, but so far I've done pretty well without one), and I prospect for potential customers online via forums for anyone who needs help in what I specialize in.

Normally my process starts with me reaching out to the person and giving them a little advice and offering to follow up on skype. This usually leads to a pretty high response rate.

Once I get them one on one I discuss their problems and suggest some solutions and basically talk with them for 15 mins+ about what can be done. The majority of the people I talk with eat it up and they love everything I suggest. They know I'm not some random bullshitter. The problem I get a lot is...

These people hear what I have to say and they love it, but now they have doubts as to why I'm even offering help in the first place. They start to question why a guy like me who knows all his shit would waste his time with them.

Now this is where I'm getting caught up. I don't even know how to answer that directly. My go to approach would usually end up being something like "I'm just happy to give some suggestions and advice, if you really want my help setting all this up for your business I can help you for this much yada yada".

It's hit or miss if people buy it. Most probably don't buy it, but want my help anyway. But I want to know if there is a better way to approach this whole situation. I feel like I put myself in a bad situation when I approach with the whole "hey I just wanna give you some advice" approach. It helps get me in the door, but really fucks me over I feel, when trying to close a sale.

It's funny, I actually get asked this question a lot just because of the advice I give. I do just love giving advice - but people seem to want to know "WHY?" so I have to state, well you could be a potential future customer of XYZ service I have or send referrals that could be a huge win for me (but I don't even take on clients), or you could just be some positive karma I give out.

I don't know if that's the most honest answer, the real answer is I like keeping my mind sharp and by helping out people in situations I can recall things I might have personally forgotten or lessons I've already learned but needed to be reminded of.

I think you should start off with stating in your PMs, "Hey, I'm the owner of XYZ Consulting, and we help people with this problem everyday. I was browsing the forum and noticed I might be able to help you." Then offer then a 10 min free consult. I would be upfront and direct as possible, immediately that you have a paid solution and not make it look like you are trying to slime your way into their pockets and/or bait and switch them.

In their mind they'll at the very least know you are honest AND if they don't go with you and really can't solve the problem they know there is a paid solution from that straight up honest guy that can help.​
It's funny, I actually get asked this question a lot just because of the advice I give. I do just love giving advice - but people seem to want to know "WHY?" so I have to state, well you could be a potential future customer of XYZ service I have or send referrals that could be a huge win for me (but I don't even take on clients), or you could just be some positive karma I give out.

I don't know if that's the most honest answer, the real answer is I like keeping my mind sharp and by helping out people in situations I can recall things I might have personally forgotten or lessons I've already learned but needed to be reminded of.

I think you should start off with stating in your PMs, "Hey, I'm the owner of XYZ Consulting, and we help people with this problem everyday. I was browsing the forum and noticed I might be able to help you." Then offer then a 10 min free consult. I would be upfront and direct as possible, immediately that you have a paid solution and not make it look like you are trying to slime your way into their pockets and/or bait and switch them.

In their mind they'll at the very least know you are honest AND if they don't go with you and really can't solve the problem they know there is a paid solution from that straight up honest guy that can help.​

Love your suggestion, but why are you helping me?

lol, thanks I'll try this approach makes perfect sense.
There is nothing wrong with helping others. IT is a great way to share your knowledge. I do like the suggestion of a free consultation. This is a wonderful way to get others to see that you really do know what you are talking about.
There is nothing wrong with helping others. IT is a great way to share your knowledge. I do like the suggestion of a free consultation. This is a wonderful way to get others to see that you really do know what you are talking about.
that does not have anything wrong, I agree with you