Need Some Geographical SEO Assistance


New member
Jan 5, 2011

I am looking for someone to assist me in carrying out soem SEO work. But this will be a little different. Let me first explain my situation.
I run a website and have some keywords for which I rank number 1 in However because of many factors the site does not rank well in other google engines , such as, dk, fr etc. I am looking for soneome who can target a range of country specfic engines with some keywords. My understading is that the first step I should do is register the appropriate domians in the counties I want to target, i.e Ireland being .ie and do a 301 permanent redirect to the main site. Follow this through for all the engines I want to target and seo on relevant keywords.

I would be grateful if someone with the know how with past exerience of such a situation and can offer a service could .

I am also open to advise that will help in the scenario I have outlined.

Thanks in advance.