Need som ehelp - business help - for magazine

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New member
Nov 26, 2006
I wanted to know if anyone could give me advice.

I'm doing a magazine in my university - it's a test thing I'm trying out. I want to get some coupons in it so pto entice more people to buy it.

I live in London - in a university area here.

What do you think is the best way to do this?

Take a sample of my magazine or a mock up of the business plan and approach some places like maybe small food joints or lingerie places or something and say - Can we get some coupons for this magazine plz?

How will I do this - need some advice -

It's a university aimed magazine

your giving them free advertising? If thats the case, it will be VERY easy to get coupons.
Take a sample of my magazine or a mock up of the business plan and approach some places like maybe small food joints or lingerie places or something and say - Can we get some coupons for this magazine plz?

Thats a good start and should work.
REcommend stores?

Why would a place like say - McDonald's listen to me?

I'd have to go to a local burger joint right?

Same with Victoria's Secret - I'd have to go to a small one right?

Coz why would they listen to me?
REcommend stores?

Why would a place like say - McDonald's listen to me?

I'd have to go to a local burger joint right?

Same with Victoria's Secret - I'd have to go to a small one right?

Coz why would they listen to me?

I think with McDonalds and others, it will depend on if they are a corporate store or a franchise. I would think that a locally owned franchise would be open to this, but if it's corporate, it may be difficult to get to the right people.

Besides, as a university wouldn't you rather help local businesses?
Agreed. Look for mom and pop joints and new business' that would be looking to get established.
Basically, you need to speak with the decision maker and with locally owned stores they are usually on-premise or easy to contact.

Write up a one-page overview of what you're trying to do and print 50 copies of it. Take an "example" of what your magazine will look like. Take a day and go store to store, by foot, asking to speak with the owner or marketing manager - you have a free advertising opportunity and you're with whatever school.

If they aren't there, ask for their contact info and leave one of your fliers with your contact info behind. If you made a nice looking website talking about your plans for the magazine, that would ad a lot of credibility.

Fact is... most businesses PAY to have their coupons in publications so I would make it sound more like a "trial offer". Tell them you're launching this huge initiative and you're giving certain local businesses that are of student's interest and allowing them 1, 2 however many months of free advertising to see how it works for them.
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