Need Security expert, Privacy, and anti DOS Ninja


New member
Mar 17, 2015
I'm looking for someone to make me invisible (as much as possible) online and DOS safe. (for competition, privacy, online rep management, creditors, private investigators, and future wife so nobody knows my net worth and or my other
businesses i own, or even if i get kidnapped or something),, I do not care about fbi or taxes, my biz is 100% legit. What title should I look for , network security, sys admin etc? Also I would like them to be a little internet/ black hat savvy, like the members here are, so I dont get burned with something like a simple whois privacy hack.

twerks for thanks.


1. things that go on internet don't get erased. stop taking hollywood hacking movies seriously.

2. are you really that important? [9/10 people will say no.]

3. to mask your scent 90% - you'd still have to pay lots of monies to a lot of guys who know how to do specific things. But you don't know those things - and therefore need another guy that's like a team manager of those guys. And that guy may or may not have access to those guys, having to outsource even more communication. So I hope you are really important cuz your wallets gonna be important.

4. PM Cooperspick for rep management.

5. I think you can get like a Cloudflare subscription for anti DDOS. Unless you are, once again, a super important person nasty people target. Problem solved.
i just want as much name/ money privacy as possible,, not worried about black market or ddos stuff
