Need Scraping/Automation/Developement done?


New member
May 18, 2012
Greetings all,

If you need any automation tools developed or some content scraped, please get in touch!
I have had to write scrappers for past few personal projects of mine and have developed a very solid framework and tech stack for writing scrapers with minimal turnaround time.

To save you time, I'll let you know up front that I am probably not the cheapest guy on the block. But you get what you pay for :)

Please feel free to PM here me or shoot me an email to

I also do various other gigs including but not limited to:
*Building GUI for command line tools
*Building automation software (Both web and native client applications)
*General development for cross platform desktop and web applications
*Software R&D (Have an awesome idea but don't know if it is technically possible? No problem get in touch )
*Software prototyping

Get in touch!! I'm a friendly person, I promise I won't bite XD

Sorry for late reply, I assumed the forum would send me an email..

My main development languages are JavaScript and C++ but I also used to do PHP "back in the day"