Need revenge plan


New member
Dec 22, 2007
So I was applying for a local parking permit for a few weeks and every time I tried to contact the manager, he either didn't call back or was away, and every time I tried to park local (by the house) the cops would show up and ask me to move. This forced me to park on the streets while I kept contacting the manager for the permit. After I talked to this faggot in person on monday he told me to get back to him in two days and he'll get me a parking permit. THe next day I got a street ticket.

The price is not my concern but this guy didn't even seem to give a fuck when I explained it so i'm out for revenge.

What i have in mind:

Get a chalk which mimics the color of the one used on my tire.
Put it on his back tire
Call the cops and say this guys been parking here for hours
Repeat every other day

im guessing cops take down your license plate when they put chalk on your tires. i've tried just rubbing off the chalk and lo and behold i still get a ticket (which in my opinion is BS, because I could have just driven around the block and parked in the same spot)...your plan probably won't work.
This shit would piss me off too. That plan probably won't work but there's gotta be something else you can do to get him back.
If there is not blood, fire, or some kind of explosion it is not really revenge. You are just playing. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for Monks.

God am I glad I live out in the country. Parking permits and cops telling you to move your car. Fuck that and all the other crap that goes along with it.
more revenge might be to get some *cough* pot or something.... maybe smear it all over the trunk or wheel-wells. then call in a description of a pot-dealer in your neighborhood.... i'm sure your local pd will send a cruiser and k9 over to him.... and when the k9 hits on the smell he's gonna have some 'splainin to do!!
im guessing cops take down your license plate when they put chalk on your tires. i've tried just rubbing off the chalk and lo and behold i still get a ticket (which in my opinion is BS, because I could have just driven around the block and parked in the same spot)...your plan probably won't work.

In UpState NY I used to just roll the car a few feet and leave the chalk on and that was fine.
Wedge nails up against all 4 tires so if the car moves..
If you have his phone number and name. Go to and then go to random section. Find a pic of jailbait dressed looking at the camera then post it in a thread stating if 100 people call this number you will see nudes of this certain jailbait. Of course you don't have nudes cause you pulled random girl from FB. Works like a charm
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Wedge nails up against all 4 tires so if the car moves..

This was what I was gonna say. I might have done this a few times. ;)

Also fun is removing the inside of the valves using a valve key. All 4 go down and all 4 can't be pumped back up until they get new valves. New valves cost nothing, but the inconvenience factor is off the charts.
One word: PeeBee

Pee in a frisbee
freeze frisbee
pop frozen peebee onto ground and kick under doors or through cracks in car windows etc etc.
wait till it thaws.

It really is the ultimate universal revenge.
One word: PeeBee

Pee in a frisbee
freeze frisbee
pop frozen peebee onto ground and kick under doors or through cracks in car windows etc etc.
wait till it thaws.

It really is the ultimate universal revenge.

Do they sell frisbees that thin?
Pour brake fluid on his hood or make small Vaseline bombs (tablespoon of vaseline in a kleenex, form into a ball) then whip it on his windshield, shit willl take forever to washoff...also if there is some way you can collect cat piss, pour it near the windshield wiper arms, stink lasts forver
Brake fluid will eat through the paint which then becomes Vandalism if you get caught. Take a ping pong ball and put it in his gas tank. The ball will float to the top, when he gets low on gas the pump will suck the ball down into the fuel line, essentially clogging it causing the car to die. When the car dies and the pump stops sucking it will float back to the top. He will start the car again, get a few miles and then the ball will clog the pump again. This will go on forever until he gets more gas or drops the fuel tank to remove the ball. Super aggravating.
Push fish through the grill surrounding the wiper blades so the smell comes through the air vents in the car once it's got hot and gone off a bit. Or zip tie a few large pieces of fish in in the engine bay.