Need Rep : Facebook MSN Skyscraper Ads

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New member
Feb 6, 2009
Hi Everyone,

Ive been trying to get a contact for buying some media on the MSN skyscraper adspace below the self serve ads on Facebook.

If anyone can help, please let me know.


i'd like to contribute to msn's and fb's earnings as well. if someone has a rep at adcenter / msn, hit me up. kthx

ps: I think this is the wrong forum. this should be in traffic / content
I'd spend 10K on those ads on FB if I could get the ads approved that look like the self-service ads in the skyscraper style. Anyone who wants to hook me up with a contact, send me a PM!
It really cracks me up they let that "xxxx's weightloss blog" ad run when it's against there TOS in so many ways. I know if I was the guy running that ad through media buys I would not be sharing the info of where to buy.
I have a feeling I know which ad sparked all this discussion.

I'd spend 10K on those ads on FB if I could get the ads approved that look like the self-service ads in the skyscraper style.

I think we all saw that ad.
Dude just contact MSN that simple or google it
Microsoft's ad sales team sucks. I contacted them a year ago wanting to do a 25k buy & nobody ever got back to me (after multiple emails/calls). There's nothing wrong with asking for a rep...
Hasn't anyone figured out by now that being redundant and copying styles doesn't really get you anywhere? You have to be the first guy in doing that.

Be original and you will profit more than if you copy and everyone starts trying to attack FB copying the same style placement ads... has everyone already forgotten the grant flood?
I have a feeling I know which ad sparked all this discussion.
I think we all saw that ad.

Haha yeah. That ad has got to be converting like crazy. I did a double take when I checked that lander's Alexa ranking- I can't even imagine how much volume that guy is pushing.
Hasn't anyone figured out by now that being redundant and copying styles doesn't really get you anywhere? You have to be the first guy in doing that.

Be original and you will profit more than if you copy and everyone starts trying to attack FB copying the same style placement ads... has everyone already forgotten the grant flood?

hahaha my bank account and I definitely disagree with that statement.
Dude stop focusing on other peoples shit and do your own. Best way is to do your own testing and work. And I would never give my reps up they are gold unless someone post boobs
Haha yeah. That ad has got to be converting like crazy. I did a double take when I checked that lander's Alexa ranking- I can't even imagine how much volume that guy is pushing.

If we are thinking of the same ad I'm pretty sure that wasn't the guys LP but it was direct linked to the offer.
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