My roomate, who is an industrious and lucrative business person introduced me to his business partner. They wanted a website done, pimptastically. I delivered them just this. Custom flash videos, integration with their existing stuff, SEO integration, etc etc. They also wanted custom Vinyl Stickers for their aircraft and cars. I spent 200 dollars on this special Chameleon vinyl. Not to mention the custom artwork and logo they wanted done, etc. They paid me $1000 upfront.
A couple weeks ago, I notice that it's been a couple days since hearing from them. I needed direction on what to write somewhere, and they weren't to be found. I leave messages. I send emails, nothing.
Two more weeks go by (One was christmas and New years, so I was lax), and I send the "You have 48 hours to contact me..." email.
I left a message today telling them I've pulled the plug on their hosting (because they changed all their passwords a few days I sent the you have 48 hours message) until I hear from them. Magically, I get a text message:
"Josh, We've decided to go a different direction with the website"
They owe me 1100 dollars. The site was done. Here's what I've done:
1) Sent an invoice for 1100. I gave them 7 days to remit.
2) Send a text message indicating I sent an invoice.
3) Left a message for this dude saying: Sorry you decided to go another direction. If you could give me a call back, we can talk about the remaining balance you owe me.
I have some emails exchanged indicating how much they'd be paying me and them instructing me on work, etc. But that's it. I didn't expect people I know to fuck me.
Then today, I notice they put up a new site, using my flash, and pictures. On the bottom, I see this:
Design downloaded from Free Templates - your source for free web templates
What do I do if they don't pay me? I'm getting the feeling this may be ugly.
A couple weeks ago, I notice that it's been a couple days since hearing from them. I needed direction on what to write somewhere, and they weren't to be found. I leave messages. I send emails, nothing.
Two more weeks go by (One was christmas and New years, so I was lax), and I send the "You have 48 hours to contact me..." email.
I left a message today telling them I've pulled the plug on their hosting (because they changed all their passwords a few days I sent the you have 48 hours message) until I hear from them. Magically, I get a text message:
"Josh, We've decided to go a different direction with the website"
They owe me 1100 dollars. The site was done. Here's what I've done:
1) Sent an invoice for 1100. I gave them 7 days to remit.
2) Send a text message indicating I sent an invoice.
3) Left a message for this dude saying: Sorry you decided to go another direction. If you could give me a call back, we can talk about the remaining balance you owe me.
I have some emails exchanged indicating how much they'd be paying me and them instructing me on work, etc. But that's it. I didn't expect people I know to fuck me.
Then today, I notice they put up a new site, using my flash, and pictures. On the bottom, I see this:
Design downloaded from Free Templates - your source for free web templates
What do I do if they don't pay me? I'm getting the feeling this may be ugly.