Need Project Management Fundamentals

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New member
Jul 14, 2006
New York

First off, I'm loving this forum. I'm lucky to have bumped into this from A lof of the members have been great in providing their experience and insights. I've been mainly a lurker in all sorts of forums, but now I've decided to come out of the cave and try to participate!

So here's my question. Does anyone know of any good sites or books out there on web project management? I know the high level overview cycle of envisioning, designing, developing, testing, and deploying from my previous job but I am looking for some resources that provides the nitty gritty on each phase such as the tools, steps, and things to watch out for. Thanks in advance!

Hi Xynix,

There are tons of books on the market and it also depends on what exam you want ot prepare to. There is the IPMA (european organization) and the american one (PMI) I think.
the PMI test is equivalent to the level C or even D of the IPMA.
and generally speaking the IPMA is more extensive in material and demands.

Here is a link that includes basically everything
look carefully down the page - there is a pdf file in english as well - 88 pages, well concentrated and CLEAR. I higly recommend it. The only text one needs on project management!

hope this helps,


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