Need my own aweber/Interspire


New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Hey guys, I need to build something that will allow me to sign up clients and let them gather lists and send out emails.

I'm thinking I need something like Aweber or Interspire or Infusion...however, it does not need to be so feature rich at the beginning.

Obviously the backend will have to get taken care of properly - but I really want a nice easy to understand frontend for the customers to be able to build lists and send out emails.

Does anyone know of a whitelabel solution, or if any of these companies will let you be a branded reseller?


Hey Man,

Just something to think about / make sure you look into. Aweber and companies like them spend a LOT of time setting up their servers to be configured to send mass mail.

In all honesty, I don't know too much about it, but one of my friends had to setup PHP List for the hosting company he worked at (for a few clients) and during the process he was always complaining about all the hoops he had to go through / mail realys and server admins he had to contact to let them know what they were doing etc.

Is there any reason you need your solution to be white label? We usually present it as our company partnering with aweber or whoever to provide this service for you (the client).
On a sidenote. I THINK you can give your clients access to only certain lists in your aweber account so they can do mass mailings, schedule stuff, etc...

Never tried it, but I would be wary of any legal issues. For example if they use your account do they own the leads? What happens if they want to move away and it's your account? Etc....
We've done some more research into it, and there are 4 really good whitelabel options out there that are so much more advanced than what I need. They are done, I don't have to worry about paying a couple guys full time to build it and manage, and I don't have the headaches of building my own system...this will be a MUCH easier route.

happy happy joy joy.
maybe phplist but then you have to deal with shared hosting send mail requirements. Unless you have a dedi server or something. Mail is such a pain the arrsssness.