Need IT-savvy weed lawyer based in CA


Mar 10, 1988
San Diego, CA
Not in trouble, starting a project :) PM me.
That's all I have to say on the matter, but I figured you shiesty fuckers might know someone.
Props and rep and tits and stuff, thanks.

What part of California? The counties are VERY different in how they treat marijuana and lawyers specialize in counties for the most part. For example I wasted money on an LA lawyer in OC only to have to get a new one when I eventually realized my LA lawyer had no grasp at all on OC courts. an Android phone and me and Google contacts fought it out for a day and I lost all of your contact info in the mix. Shoot me an email or something.

I'll do my best to pretend to be a lawyer
What part of California? The counties are VERY different in how they treat marijuana and lawyers specialize in counties for the most part. For example I wasted money on an LA lawyer in OC only to have to get a new one when I eventually realized my LA lawyer had no grasp at all on OC courts.
All parts. I understand the difference, and have two different weed lawyers in different counties in CA already. I need one that understands tehz interweb, because these fuckwits do not, and he can be located in Bumfuck for all I care, as long as he knows weed law.
I'll do my best to pretend to be a lawyer
You'd probably give better advice. Recent transpirings have led me to consider going to law school and putting all these assholes out of business.
In Florida, but they're everywhere.

i need to start a med-marijuana distributorship program... maybe launch it on CL
Check her out. She's legit.

Biggest fucking waste of money ever. Maybe she could have done a better job but I could tell the only time she thought of my case was when she was with me. She tried to cite a case that the judge had to call a recess to go read only to come back and say "that case has NO relevance here and if you had read more then a sentence or two of it you wouldn't have wasted my time by citing it." She is all marketing and no substance, you guys should be very familiar with that concept...

She has someone working for her that does know the internet though. They use a bunch of well placed shill accounts on the big marijuana forums to trick people into thinking she has many satisfied clients.

I'm her friend on FB and laughed my ass off when she posted some mirror underwear photos. I can imagine how well that will work for her career in law in front of female judges.

The running joke is SB 420 should be called the lawyer employment act. Because it doesn't stop the police from fucking with anyone they feel like but only gives you a defense later in court, and has allowed a bunch of dead beat lawyers to make bank.