Need images


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Bum Fuck Nowhere

Spent 2 weeks getting site built, 3 weeks adding content getting offer's approved. Site is a credit score site that is based around one offer other then the top 10 page. I made sure all info was pulled from the offer i was advertising, And using there site seeing 3 scores all over it I let it be known, Now they say they offer one score and the other 2 bureaus are additional fee and need me to redo 5 weeks of work cause they obviously mislead from their site but think mine is misleading.

Well screw them they went from main offer to number 10 them picky pricks lol. I decided to promote a offer that does offer 3 scores and does not charge a dollar for the main offer.

Anyways enough ranting over 5 weeks of work, what i need is two images that are based on that offer converted to new offer.

I will just make the original main offer number 10 and make sure the review tells people they give one score for same price everyone else gives 3, but hey they will charge you for the other two. Sorry again ranting.

Pm me if interested