Need help with wordpress plugin.

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Still Hustlin'
May 23, 2007
Here is a small problem I am having. I have a plugin that scans the content on my site then turns a specific keyword that I choose into an affiliate link.

However, I would like to only turn keywords into aff links on posts not keywords from "Pages".

If anyone can take a look at the plugin and let me know what I need to modify please shoot me a pm or reply.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

should be a pretty easy conditional tag that you throw into the plugin's source code. if you're in a post, do this, if your in a page, do nothing.
Conditional Tags WordPress Codex


This section refers to WordPress Pages not any generic webpage from your blog.
When any Page is being displayed.

When Page 42 (ID) is being displayed. is_page('About Me And Joe') When the Page with a post_title of "About Me And Joe" is being displayed. is_page('about-me') When the Page with a post_name (slug) of "about-me" is being displayed.

is_page(array(42,'about-me','About Me And Joe'))
Returns true when the Pages displayed is either post ID 42, or post_name "about-me", or post_title "About Me And Joe". Note: the array ability was added at Version 2.5.
Radio took care of it for me.

Thanks for all those who offered to help me.

Plugin Name: Replace Keywords
Author: somlor - WickedFire
Version: 0.1

function replace ($text) {

 if(!is_page()) {
   $text = str_replace('keyword1', '<a href="">my link</a>', $text);
   $text = str_replace('keyword2', '<a href="">my link</a>', $text);
   $text = str_replace('keyword3', '<a href="">my link</a>', $text);
 return $text;

add_filter('the_content', 'replace');

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