Need help with new Music Site!


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Hello members,

I recently launched a site/platform for artist/DJs to showcase their talents. Yes I know there's sites out there that do similar. My question is how can I drive more traffic to site? Currently we are only getting about 500 visitors per day. Once we get more traffic what's the best way to monitize these visitors? Only thing we have set up right now is Amazon for ads.

Not sure if I can post the link on here for you guys to check it out but if I can I will post it.

Just looking for some guidance.


I want to be able to make some money for every ad a visitor see or clicks on an ad. Doesnt necessary have to purchase something like with Amazon. This is consider CPM correct? If so whats the best network to join?

Sorry for all the noob questions really trying to learn here.
You can look out for decent music stores to promote and get paid a commission per sale. There are also good software programs for making music, promote them. Sell stylish t-shirts for rockers, hip hoppers or whatever the genre of your music is. Search for good music apps, ringtones, etc to sell as an affiliate. Just think about what your public might be interested in.

Promote your website through press releases, guest blogging, marketing on music forums, social media sites (Myspace will be a great fit for your niche), advertise or contribute content to music related online magazines, rent ad spaces on music blogs (not PPC, pay flat fee per month), use video marketing on YouTube, Metacafe, Daily Motion and other video platforms.