Need help with High CTR Banners


New member
Mar 13, 2007
Hello Everyone,

I need someone that is able, and has proven experience, in designing very/super high CTR banners.

I have personally been designing my own banners with an average CTR ranging from 0.80% to 2% CTR. Most of my traffic comes from Latin America, though Asian and European traffic is also growing.

I am asking for help because I have about 20 banners that I have been using. Those that were getting me a 2% CTR a month ago are dying off and only getting me about 0.80%.

I am ideally looking for someone that I can work with consistently on a long term basis, someone that can go through all the banners with me, and make appropriate changes and/or design new ones in order to maintain the highest CTR possible.

I will be happy to share the banners I have now so you can help me make the necessary improvements or changes and/or design new ones.

I am looking to start doing this ASAP.

Kind Regards,

I've heard there's an eagle flying around here with very good CTR's