Need help with getting my site to #1


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
hey guys

So i'm trying to get my site to the #1 spot in google for a micro niche keyword. I have 4 articles other than homepage on it. I also have EMD and 150+ links from PR3+ blog pages. But for some reason, i'm can't seem to move to the top page. I was at #52 and no amount of blog comments would make it go up but I got a profile linkwheel service from here and it went up to #30 but since then its been 6 days and no improvement.

competition is mostly 0 backlink pages on medium-big sized websites on the main niche. mine is a micro niche

BTW, it has stayed in the top 3 for 6 days at a time, and top 5 for 15 days but it dropped to #60 3-4 weeks back and regardless of how many blog comment links I build to it, it won't budge (which is pretty weird as all other sites I do blog comments for, shoot up to #1 very fast) i even have a PR2 link

I could really use some help over here, guys.

hmm thanks i have been patient for too long now. ( 3 weeks) and with an Exact match if i am at #34 there is something just not right.

think i will add a couple of articles every day for a few days and see how it goes

pace of links
new content

Pretty much this. Especially the first two; links + patience. I had a site ranking something like 200 + on a keyword. Was there for like 4 weeks. Coulda swore I was penalized. Then one day, I wake up and its at 130.

Still a long way to go, but its getting there. Keep it steady bra.
You need to be consistently backlinking and adding original content (not spun garbage). Don't go too aggressive on the main inlinks hitting your site. Take the URLs of the inlinks and throw those into xrumer though and go ape shit with it - just BE CAREFUL with the speed of inlinks to your main site.

With a little patience and a few minutes each day you will reach the top. Also, make sure the content on your site is geared towards and has the keywords you are targeting for the main inlinks.

Also... Be careful 'who' you have do the work for you. Some goofballs will be very aggressive just to get the job done and get paid. If you can pickup some tools and do it yourself that is always the best method, but if you go the route of paying someone just be selective - I am sure there are some good folks on here for sure.

Again... Patience... Patience... Patience. It will come! :)


Get a hubpages link, in content high PR editorial links, good High PR comments, etc. You have to keep the spiders on their toes or you'll go stagnant quick

Get a hubpages link, in content high PR editorial links, good High PR comments, etc. You have to keep the spiders on their toes or you'll go stagnant quick


Sounds like all you use is comments. I'd throw in some articles, get some social bookmarking, maybe build a linkwheel or two.
hey guys, thanks for the advices.
I do have different links, I have articles on web2.0 sites and article directories. I also have profile links and a profile linkwheel.