Need help to Understand the Language

Endy Mulio

Hello, I'm a newb for this affiliate thing. Newb because the level of members here are so high. Salute for them :)

Does any words, if any at all that I need to know in affiliate marketing. They say affiliate marketing is not for newbies, but I think it's not for weak-hearted. I'm willing to learn faithfully. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I know a bit about CTR, CPC, keywords, etc. But members here use lots of technical terms about SEO. I think I'll grab some lessons about it. Thanks to Uptime by providing me the link. Have a great day.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I know a bit about CTR, CPC, keywords, etc. But members here use lots of technical terms about SEO. I think I'll grab some lessons about it. Thanks to Uptime by providing me the link. Have a great day.


Dude read the fuckin stickies in the traffic and content section. Google the terms you don't understand, study the answers. Then post up questions in here for the stuff you can't figure out on your own. This shit takes effort.