Need help getting Tidy for php working

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Big Member
Apr 19, 2008
Ok, so I'm a bit of a noob at php, but I'm wanting to make a scraper or 2, so after reading around for a while I got to this:
Scraping Websites for Fun and Profit |
post and decided to get this: Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers: Michael Schrenk: Books
book. It's a great read so far, but I've got to a bit that needs you to get Tidy working with php5. I'm on Vista and running Apache locally.

Well after enabling it in php.ini file and checking it with phpinfo() I can see that it is running. Next step seems to be installing the libtidy library, which I just cant find anywhere for php5. Anyone have a copy / any ideas where I can find it? Everywhere points you here:
HTML Tidy Project Page
and then I'm just not able to find the correct version. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

If you're on windows all you need is the extension enabled, it has Tidy built-in.
It is enabled, I can see it when I run phpinfo(), but from what I've read libtidy also has to be installed? If not then great, no wonder I couldn't find a copy :s

I do have another problem with it though, it's saying that it's 'Unable to load Tidy configuration file'.

In the php.ini file this is set to be automaticaly:

tidy.default_config = /usr/local/lib/php/default.tcfg

I had been assuming that this would be located in the libtidy instalation folder, do you know where this file is, as I cant find it to put the correct path to it.


Sorry I can't check it atm but you may try WAMP . Enabling php extensions is ver easy and error-safe.
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