Need Help excel guru?


New member
May 18, 2010
I have an excel table

Let's say there are 2 columns

Column 1 - Column 2

I need a way to Paste in some text before every cell in column 1

For example need to insert "HI" before every "TEXTA" in column 1
So that it reads "HI TEXTA"

I can't use a formula because I need to export this to CSV and only have the real raw data in column 1 and 2

Surely there is a way to copy some TEXT, highlight column 1 and paste it before every cell in column 1, is there not?

Please help, thanks!!

right but that's a formula so when i saved the file as a csv it would contain that froumla in the csv right?
please see my post #3 comment in regards to using formulas

I'm trying to append this text to column 1

BUT i'm going to save as a csv and import it into a program

i can't have formula text in the csv otherwise it would import that forumla text...

is there not a way just to paste it? or do it without a formula?
You could create a special VB script to do the job or you could copy the column with the concatenate function in it, and while it is in your clipboard you would then use the "Paste Special" button and choose "values". Paste that into a new sheet and save that sheet as a CSV file.

Been having to this a lot lately for pushing a lot of custom formulas to import a CSV file into ExpressionEngine for a client.
Use the formula, then copy the end result cells, then go to paste special, then paste values
thanks guys u rock

just did a a test bizz seems to be right i dont think it's saving the formula in the csv, perfect

vgeek thats a good tip too
Ok one more question

So I have this


let's just say this field or column if for tags

How can i make it


anytime i try to add text after the formula i get an error

Make sure everything is inside the "()" and also you must use quotes "" around plain text you want to join.
=CONCATENATE("text", " tag", " tag2")
= text tag tag2
SeoFuel you have to clean you inbox man. It says- SeoFuel has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space. And I was unable to PM you regarding your question. Or You can just hit me up at Skype. Thanks!