Buy Fresh Daily Opt-In Leads 10 Million/Month +
Hey there,
Chris here with Eclipse International, LLC . Please read the following in order to get a better understanding of whom we are what we do concerning your acquisition of bulk data.
Overview: In summary we essentially provide Email, Address, and Phone records in bulk with all 4 legals plus many other fields such as DOB, Address, Phone, lat/longitude, and so on. We provide fresh daily feeds of around 200K and up, bulk buys of 20MM and up, and specialty niche targeted lists in Million record increments from Credit Card offers, Debt, Home Loan, and Biz Op. This is for high volume or bulk mailers, telemarketing companies, or snail mailers. We can get you started with access to some of the highest response rate cleanest super scrubbed data the marketplace has to offer.
If interested I can get you a pricing sheet for our different data packages. Please let me know what we can do for you via email, so we can send pricing sheet attachments. We can have you set up and marketing this New Data as quickly as 2 days or less.
Prices Start as Low as $500!
Hope to hear from you soon,
425 357 1942
Eclipse Intl., LLC

Hey there,
Chris here with Eclipse International, LLC . Please read the following in order to get a better understanding of whom we are what we do concerning your acquisition of bulk data.
Overview: In summary we essentially provide Email, Address, and Phone records in bulk with all 4 legals plus many other fields such as DOB, Address, Phone, lat/longitude, and so on. We provide fresh daily feeds of around 200K and up, bulk buys of 20MM and up, and specialty niche targeted lists in Million record increments from Credit Card offers, Debt, Home Loan, and Biz Op. This is for high volume or bulk mailers, telemarketing companies, or snail mailers. We can get you started with access to some of the highest response rate cleanest super scrubbed data the marketplace has to offer.
If interested I can get you a pricing sheet for our different data packages. Please let me know what we can do for you via email, so we can send pricing sheet attachments. We can have you set up and marketing this New Data as quickly as 2 days or less.
Prices Start as Low as $500!
Hope to hear from you soon,
425 357 1942
Eclipse Intl., LLC