Need advice on free marketing

I have been lurking in the background of wicked fire for a while. While I have soaked up a lot of theory nothing is as ever good as actually practicing it. I did get sucked into the IM world because I stupidly bought a get rich quick program (I think it was Mass money markers or something) but I would like to think I can move past that and actually put some work in.

I am curious as to what people think about getting free web hosting (like yola, webs, google etc) is it worth while to put in the effort and create one that is SEO friendly? (I do already know that because of it being a free service is there is bound to be some "leakage" in terms of page rank and that it is going to run advertisement that will possibly take away some customers but i am still curious as to what others have to say about it) or shall i just stick to a blog and article marketing like I had organically planned to scourge up the money so I can afford hosting?

I mean you can find shared hosting for $4 a month... surely you can come up with that. Articles and free blogs are fine for some things, but you most definitely want to building your own sites as well.
If you want, I'd be happy to set you up with a Wordpress install on my Dreamhost account. Just PM me with the domain name that you'd like. (In case you haven't already seen it, try this tool for looking up free domain names: Domain Name Search Just don't add .com/.net/.org to what you type in; it automatically adds that for you.)
Most free hosts require you to display their advertisements on your website, or stay active in their forums.

You can get reliable web hosting from for only $9 a year.

As for your domain, you can get a .info for only ~$1 or a free domain.
never go with free hosts for your real sites.

You want to have total control over your domains and hosting, you don't want your sites to disappear or to be shut down for random reasons

You're building assets, would you trust a free service?
Never get a free webhost.

Any business will take investment, this business is no different. Expect to spend $50 a day learning for the first 2 months, before you make a dollar. That's $3K in your first 2 months. If you don't have it, get a real job and keep learning and experimenting on the side with affiliate stuff.
$4 a month yes, but share hosting has as many problems as free hosting.

I used shared hosting only for years without any problems before finally switching to VPS 6 months ago or so, and I only did so because I wanted my pages to load a bit faster. host gator and many many others provide good, cheap shared hosting.

You are better off just paying for a domain. But then again I am rather cynical about this. I'll look into it a bit more but to me it just sounds like an altered version of time shares

Yeh, you've got to buy a domain. I'm not even sure what you mean by this. Unless you're posting on, Squidoo, etc you buy a domain... $10 a year, or less...
Free Webhosts suck. I just had to move a clients from ... when he went to show me his domain the MySQL failed and I couldn't even see his 2 page blog. lol /FAIL
Lol sorry that I haven't replied much Real Life is kicking my ass at the moment. Damn uni life. Anyways I completely get what Music is saying and I appreciate your advice. The only problem is that right now i am a penny pinching hard ass right now. Almost all my money goes directly to uni (my books alone have cost close to $400 just for this semester! and I am on a tri semster basis here that's 1200-1400 a year on the books alone).

As far as just testing the waters I am going to try a wordpress free hosted blog. In conjunction with a squidoo account/hubpages articles and do a bit of guest blogging. This is to simply test my niche nothing for on hard core but I feel the best way to learn is to fail until you get it right.

I will really have to look into Tcwriters post. Even I can scrouge up $10 from somewhere lol. Anyways thank you everyone for all your help. I generally had an idea that free hosting was looked down upon but I can now see that pretty much all affiliate marketers thinks it sucks and with good reason. I am tempted to start a journal thread about using free hosted, I want to see if I can succeed but odds are I will fail so at the very least it will serve as a warning for the noobs and something to laugh at by the pro's.