Need AdSense/YPN Alternative


Jan 9, 2009
Greenwich, CT
Yes - I know most of us are advertising on these services but I have 3 dozen content minisites which need new ads and I don't feel like finding unique AM offers to fill each site with.

I'm banned from AdWords/AdSense and YPN no longer exsists.

Can anyone make any suggestions?

I'd like to use the Tatto System but never heard back from them on anything. Willing to sign up under affiliate links too!

Prosperent is a pretty good alternative. They have a ton of products and cater the products shown based on search engine keywords.

So, if someone found your site based on "blue widgets", then it'd show only results for "blue widgets" and those that have shown to convert the best and give you the most money.

What I tend to do with it is use their code, then set my fall-back ad to be Adsense. Though, on my personal blog, I just made it a standard "internet marketing" list of products.