Need a Network. Helps!


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
I need recommendations on a network. It's been, apparently, since early 2008 when I bailed on the last affiliate network (they weren't paying - anyone remember Millnic?) I was a promoting for.

As you can see, I'm a tad rusty on who's who and such. :thumbsup:

As for what I want to promote, I'm not entirely sure. I need a network so I can poke about and see what's out there, and what aligns with my existing knowledge nicely.

There are a lot of good networks. Like you said.. where you go may depend on what offer(s) you want to push.

But off the top of my head..

A4D, C2M, CPATrend, AAO, are all great options. I've ran traffic to all of them and they have always paid me on time, every time.
I can get you private deals if you're into weight loss, herbals, nutra or enhancement.