Need a Coffee LP

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New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
I need a landing page themed around coffee and winning coffee.

I want it to be a simple click thru to the real landing page, no need to capture any info.

I'd like it to be nice and attractive to play on people's fear of loss, ie (hurry before all the coffee is gone! Only 27 coffees left!)

would be good to have a couple fake testimonials on there (Thanks to, I eat coffee beans for breakfast!)

Would love to see a rough mockup (perhaps a sketch) of the design from you before I say who I'm going to go with.

Looking for someone who can code the php and html as well (ie random number generator for x amount of coffees left with countdown).

Thanks. Winner gets money!

Would love to see a rough mockup (perhaps a sketch) of the design from you before I say who I'm going to go with.

Looking for someone who can code the php and html as well (ie random number generator for x amount of coffees left with countdown).

Thanks. Winner gets money!

Yeah and i'd love to just do free work for u to either rip me off or waste my time.

If you don't like it: waste of time.. my time = $
if you do like it: whats stopping u from taking it and going with the cheapest coder u can find? you'd already have the hard part done (the actual idea)....

come on now...think about it...if u want charity work.. then at least title the thread that way or post in the noobie forum
I think you'd have a hard time getting any serious takers on this if you are not clear about what happens to the designs that you do not choose (how you will or won't use them).

It may be a better idea to have people submit portfolios or samples of some of their other work. Looking at someone's portfolio should give you enough of an idea of the person's capabilities to make your selection. Then you can tell them what you are looking for and use their work as a reference- "I want to do something like what you did with [site]."
ok to be more clear, I don't want to see a finished product, a simple sketch will do.

This is just so that I can see you are creative and can come up with something that I want to use.

I'm not going to pay for something that will end up being a piece of crap that I won't use.

I'm not going to ask you to code up a landing page with full graphics and copy and then say oh sorry I went with someone else.

Just draw something on a pad and scan it and pm it to me, if I like where your'e going I'll use you.
wait for my entry plz...!


winner winner..
btw.. that sketch shows everything (well not 'everything').. but its the idea... thats what you're buying... just you don't think that is even worth $$ so why should i even put in the time? really.. come on...
He is looking to have work done for free.

Sorry, bro, but sketches = work and time.

work and time = money ...ALWAYS

or do a contest on DP - what I do

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