[Need] 3 - 5 Reliable, Top-Notch Content Writers

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Nov 15, 2011
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As the thread title says, I'm looking to hire 3 - 5 reliable, top-notch content writers. Ideally, each writer I take on will have the following characteristics:

  • Is an American native (not absolutely necessary);
  • Has a firm grasp of the English language, i.e proper punctuation & English idioms;
  • Is able to work quickly;
  • Can work without constant supervision;
  • Can stick to deadlines;
  • Can be easily reached through Skype or email
  • Doesn't have the tendency to disappear off the face of the planet, contact me a month later & tell me that they tripped over their pet iguana named Frank, fell down a flight of stairs, broke both their legs & as a result haven't been able to get to a computer to let me know about what happened

Do you fit these characteristics? Good! Let me divulge a little bit more about the position itself:

I work for a company that needs a constant stream of content coming in. I was formerly the person producing this content, but the company & it's content needs have grown exponentially & I simply can't produce what needs to be produced all by my lonesome.

In terms of what you'd be writing about, it honestly varies day-by-day. But, you will never be without work. At the current rate the company's moving, we will easily need 100s of thousands of words written each month & all in the form of generally 300 - 500 word articles.

Having said that, let's talk compensation: For those who are hired, I will pay you the cost of your work upfront to make you comfortable about the fact that you will be paid for all the work you do. Once you're comfortable & all that jazz, you'll be given a list of articles to write at the beginning of each week (Monday) that I expect you to have completed to me by the end of the week (Friday). Although, ideally, you'd send me the articles as you complete them.

If all of this is cool with you, send some samples of your work, the best way to get a hold of you & how much you charge per 100 words to hwizzo39820@gmail.com. Please be forewarned that although I'll read your writing samples to make sure they check out, I'll most likely ask you to write me a relatively short article on a random topic & have it to me in a given time frame in order to get a better understanding of how quickly you can work & whether you can maintain quality while under a deadline.

Note: Pay no mind the white collar, pencil pushing, 9 to 5 tone of this thread. I made the mistake of not being thorough in a previous ad I wrote elsewhere & wound up with the worst content writer I've ever encountered. To those I hire, you'll quickly come to find that you'll be working with some very laid back people. As long as you stay on task & deliver quality content, you'll be with us for a long time!

Real quick: If you prefer to conduct business matters such as the above in real time, hit me up on Skype or AIM. My username on both is cashwizzo.
Here at Young Writers Club we offer a range of services belong to content writing and SEO.

Skype : manish.verma53
Update: Still lookin' for those 3 - 5 writers! What's more, if you're going to be sending me an email about these positions, it's probably in your best interest to spell everything right...
Hi there;

I sent you Email on your G-mail ID.
Kindly check it.
I am waiting for your reply.

Parker Shown.
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