NE3 Log


New member
Dec 29, 2009
I joined WF a few days ago. I saw the No Excuses 3 thread and found the videos and decided to get started.

I'll post my progress here and any questions I have too.

I watched all the videos, choose the niche and picked a product. I'm working on the landing page now and when I leave here I'll get on the keywords.

I know I'll run the ads on yahoo and more than likely google too.

I have prosper202, so I'll be able to track the keywords and stuff.

I'll probably add clickheat to the landing page or maybe try out the free option on the other 'click think' Seo Mike mentioned that shows the whole visitor activity session.

1 question
Seo Mike-- in the video I saw you using google ad planner. Was that for managed placement in google content or to approach the sites themselves and sign up to advertise? I'm pretty sure it was for managed placement but since I'm new I thought I'd better ask instead of assuming.

Another question
How do you get your ad to show up in webmail?


You don't look at timestamps much, do you? :D


Google Adplanner and Quantcast Media Planner are for estimating site demographics. I say "estimating" because very few sites KNOW what their site demographics actually are. Unless they are primarily member based and the members have to input age, gender, etc. all sites have to make educated guesses. So, based on those educated guesses Google can help you build a media plan off of demographics. Site Affinity is a different story. Since Google is like the all-knowing SkyNet (Terminator movies) they can accurately tell you which sites people are likely to visit after X site or what sites get similar traffic.

Ads showing up in webmail? You mean in the Adsense blocks? Keyword targeting, I believe. I don't think you can site target Gmail, but I'm not sure.
I just finished the keyword research.

I started at wordtracker. Then went over to google. Then to amazon. At amazon I looked up the tags for the bestselling books on my subject. Then I looked in the index for other possibilities.

Then I went to google ad planner and google insights for a few more keywords. I also used the free version of ppc spy to find a couple more words.

I have over 80 keywords now. I’ve broken them up into 9 groups. I probably need to break them up some more.

Here’s what google keyword estimator says about them:

Average CPC: $0.35 (at a maximum CPC of $0.50)
Estimated clicks per day: 146 - 219 (at a daily budget of $100.00)

Next to write the ads. I’ll use curiosity and I think I’ll try to mention the keyword in the ad somewhere.

After that I’ll need to finish up the landing page and pick a domain name.

This is my first time approaching a campaign like this. Its involved but its kind of nice to have a system to follow.

Hey SEO Mike,

Yeah about the timestamp. I figured, I could wait until the next one or pretend I was around when you did the last one and just get to it.

Like I said in the original NE3 thread, thanks for the videos. They helped a lot.
I just finished the lp. Its up and had ads running to it all day Sunday. I had 197 hits and 51 followed the link. No conversions.

The ads are paused now. I need to tweak the page so more follow the link. I also need to get lots more hits to the site overall. Above all I need conversions.
I had been flying blind with the keywords. I didn't think I could track them on the content network.

Anyway, I aim'ed Seo Mike and he gave me some great tips. I just finished one of them, choosing the sites for the ads. First set of sites were chosen by keyword. Second set by demographics.

I have the whole campaign set to the correct demographics too.

36 placements in all but the numbers are high for them.

I've also rewritten the landing page. I'll split test it with the other to see which is best.

I need to rewrite the ads to my target audience and then get prosper202 to work right so I can unpause the ads.

Oh and I signed up for the free trial at wordtracker, its nice being able to get so many more keywords so easily.

Ok thats it for now.
OH! That was you! LOL!

To expand on what I said in the IM, stick with one network for now. Learn all you can about it. If you jump ship at the first sign of difficulty and you don't know where your problem is, then you have learned nothing and will continue to have problems.

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "statistically relevant", right? Okay, so the numbers you gave me earlier were not statistically relevant to draw any sort of conclusions from.

197 clicks to offer and 51 clicks off page may be the beginning of a trend if they all come from the same placement / keyword (depending on how you are targeting). If they come from 197 different keywords / placements, then that data is useless for drawing any conclusions from.

So, stick with wherever you are currently advertising. Use Prosper202 to track placements / ads / keywords, etc. Collect as much data as you can from each click. The more granular you can get, and the more data you can collect, the more informed decisions you can make regarding changes, etc. Also, don't forget the A-B-T's of affiliate marketing. Yes, I said A B T's. Always Be Testing. A / B tests, multivariate tests, test headers, test images, test headlines, test colors. ABT.

This WILL get expensive. If you get data that helps you create better campaigns, then it's not lost money, it's an investment.

ABT. Get data. Get granular. Make edits. ABT....rinse, repeat.

Go forth and profit!
I'm having troubles understanding demographic research. I was able to generate number of URLs that would be great to advertise on based on desired age, sex and income. How exactly do I target those specific sites ? How else can I apply all this information ?
In google, set the campaign to managed placement and then go to networks and under managed placement, choose add placements. A tool will come up. You can type in your urls to see if they allow adsense. If they do, click add.

Use your demographic info to write your ppc ads and landing page copy. To speak directly to your audience.
Just checked google, no clicks and only 15 impressions. I'd been working on another lp for a different offer and after I finished that up I checked my stats. I think I need to do something differently/more.