NE3 Journal, Yes another one...


Mar 1, 2009
I figure these journals are good for all involved we are all learning a lot from them so I'll add my 2c.

  • Offer: Google Related Biz Opps

  • Landing Page: Flog (two offers being promoted)

  • Traffic: Google Search US

  • Payout $35 USD per sale

  • Network A4D

Day 1:

Built Flog I decided to go with something that doesn't look to flash as that is what I have noticed with other flogs, It gives users the feeling that its not a professional site and really a personal blog.

Chose 100 KW's/phrases (long tail at lease 3 words per KW/phrase) KW/Phrases are themed in two ways. Work From Home & Google Money related.

Got a Domain decided to upload Flog on a sub domain I decided to do this to give it a more personal/unprofessional feel.

Built campaign in Speed PPC, Made two ads so I can A/B test them, bid $3 AUD on phrase and exact and left broad out completly.

Uploaded to Adwords, target: US, Search, Computers budget $60 AUD

Sync account with Tracking202 Pro. I decided to leace the budget small for the first day so I can track everything through Tracking202 Pro and see its all working proply.

Day 1 Results:

Impressions: 1,837
Clicks: 28
CTR: 1.42%
AVG CPC: $2.30
Total Spend $59

Tracking 202 Pro
Landing Page CTR: 10%

A4D Stats
Impressions: 3
Sales: 1
Sales Value: $35 USD

(Revenue $35 USD) - (Expences $60 AUD ($48 UDS)) = -$13

Day 2

Day 2

I added Google Analytic and Crazy Egg to landing page to track users.

Added a JavaScript exit pop up for landing page, but decided not to use it as
Google doesn't allow it and don't want to have any strikes against my campaign.

Made a few changes to my landing page. hyperlinked more words and pictures too redirect file which leads to offer.

Checked my Tracking 202 Stats and realized that it didn't track my sale so I don't know which KW it came from. Annoying! double checked all the setup with LIVE HTTP HEADERS, seems to work fine.

Paused a whole lot of KW's which were not being shown due to bid to low also paused KW's that had a CTR below 2%
Next I bumped the budget up to $100 AUD.

Day 2 Results

Impressions: 2,076
Clicks: 36
CTR: 1.73%
AVG CPC: $2.52
Total Spend $90 $AUD

Tracking 202 Pro
Landing Page CTR: 2%

This is a SHIT CTR something obviously went wrong. After looking in Tracking 202 Pro Spy View log I can see that some dick head's IP keeps popping up, has been researching the same KW's that I have and clicked on nearly every KW I have. FUCK!

A4D Stats
Impressions: 2
Sales: 0
Sales Value: $0

(Revenue $0) - (Expenses $90 AUD ($72 UDS)) = -$72

Total Profit
(-$85 USD)
Day 3

Day 3

Blocked the IP address that ruined my campaign yesterday. Contacted Adwords help in the slight chance they may refund me some cash for Click Fraud (wont get my hopes up) Does anyone recommend any other IP's to block?

Set up a new Adwords Account in $USD to save all the converting to $AUD headaches. Also to have a better over all account CTR as I have had a frew terrible campaigns running in my old account.

Checked out my Crazy Egg account. Notices some interesting heat map patterns. I will now make some minor changes to my LP to try and increase CTR to offer by putting hyperlinks where the busy areas are.

Will make another Add for A/B testing, Realised i stupidly made two adds basically the same to begin with which doesn't really help.
Will pause some more KW's Increase bidding on some. and delete all Phrase match KWs keeping only Exact
Fuck crazy egg, go get the free version of Clicktale.

Probably stop using phrase match for now and just stay with exact.
Day 4

My Google account was suspended and put on hold for an entire week due to using the same credit card as another account. wont be doing that again.

After waiting a whlle week for Adwords to get back to me i spent my time re writing adds and using dynamic KW insertation

Impressions: 568
Clicks: 2
CTR: 4.40%
AVG CPC: $2.24
Total Spend $56

Tracking 202 Pro
Landing Page CTR: 2%

A4D Stats

Impressions: 1
Sales: 0
Sales Value: $0 USD

Total Profit

(-$141 USD)

I am getting a pretty goog CTR now due to ads being re written.
But I am still getting a very low CTR on the LP to the Offer.

Today I will try swapping the flog format for a review site and see how my CTR improves. Is this a good idea?

Any other ideas to help my bump the CTR to the lander or is 25 visits a day simply to low to tell.
Hmmm 2-10% landing page to offer CTR is really really low...

Right now my Flog has a 22% and I still think that is pretty shitty. That means that paying for $1 clicks it is costing me $5 just to get one person to view the offer... And you are paying like $2.50 a click to get a 10%... Definitely swap to a review format or other different LP and see if things improve.
Impressions: 568
Clicks: 2
CTR: 4.40%
AVG CPC: $2.24
Total Spend $56

Tracking 202 Pro
Landing Page CTR: 2%

A4D Stats

Impressions: 1
Sales: 0
Sales Value: $0 USD

Total Profit

(-$141 USD)

First of all your stats are impossible. None of the numbers make any sense. How can you have 2 clicks total and a cpc of $2.24 and spend $56? 2 x $2.24 is $4.48.

Second, how can your landing page have 2% CTR if you've only had 2 clicks? It's not possible. If you get 1 click you have 50% ctr, if you get 2 clicks you have 100% ctr.

Your shit doesn't make any sense.

Tip #1:
learn basic math.

Tip #2:
Re-write your ads because they suck. Look at the top 3 ads and combine them into one ad, you'll definitely get a higher CTR. yours is horrible, go for at least (AT LEAST) 5% ad ctr.

Tip #3:
If your daliy spend budget is less than $100 you CANNOT bid $2.24 cpc - that will never work (ever). What you want do is go after some longer tail keywords and bid low, like .50 - $1 so you can actually get some clicks.

so if you were selling shoes you'd not bid on the word shoes at a high cpc, instead you'd bid on brown shoes for boys, ladies shoes, awesome basketball shoes and bid low because they're not as competitive as shoes would be.
All my KS'w are long tail phrases with a minimum of three words to a phrase.
I am bidding $3max for exact match. I realize this is high but I have to do it to get clicks and a good QS as I am using a new Adwords account. Once I have got some good KW's/Phrases which convert I can look at lowering the bids.
All my KS'w are long tail phrases with a minimum of three words to a phrase.
I am bidding $3max for exact match. I realize this is high but I have to do it to get clicks and a good QS as I am using a new Adwords account. Once I have got some good KW's/Phrases which convert I can look at lowering the bids.

LOL, uh... so you obviously don't need any help right? ok glad you've got it all figured out. Have fun losing your ass retard.
LOL, uh... so you obviously don't need any help right? ok glad you've got it all figured out. Have fun losing your ass retard.

No I obviously don't have it all worked out. That's why I have this thread, looking for help.

I thought I needed to bid high in order to get a good QS at the start?
If I am currently paying avg CPC around $2.50 does that mean my KS are not long tail enough? Should I look at making my KW's/Phrases longer ?
Or what if I drop my max bid down to $1.00 wont I be displayed to low e.g. second page results for searches, which will lover my CTR?
Day 5

Impressions: 258
Clicks: 29
CTR: 11.24%
AVG CPC: $2.15
Total Spend $62

Tracking 202 Pro
Landing Page CTR: 5.2%

A4D Stats

Impressions: 17
Sales: 1
Sales Value: $35 USD
(Revenue $35) - (Expenses $62 ) = -$27

Total Profit

(-$168 USD)

Tracking202 Pro is only showing 1 click through in the spy view and in landing page stats. But Ads4Dough shows more impressions. I cant work this out?

I need tips I'm stuck!
Day 5

Impressions: 258
Clicks: 29
CTR: 11.24%
AVG CPC: $2.15
Total Spend $62

Tracking 202 Pro
Landing Page CTR: 5.2%

A4D Stats

Impressions: 17
Sales: 1
Sales Value: $35 USD
(Revenue $35) - (Expenses $62 ) = -$27

Total Profit

(-$168 USD)

Tracking202 Pro is only showing 1 click through in the spy view and in landing page stats. But Ads4Dough shows more impressions. I cant work this out?

I need tips I'm stuck!
I also am saying you either need to lower your CPCs or up the budget. Seems G is not even meeting the budget any way. You just need to be on top of it when you get to a spot you are comfortable.

Rely on Analytics on when to pause.

Ads4dough is showing more impressions or more clicks. If it is more clicks then it could be someone clicked the same ones a couple times. If it is impressions. A4D will tell you, you have impressions everytime you go to look at an offer. Not sure if your offer has creatives or not but if it does this could be your issue. Impressions is not something you need to worry about